Insulating Structure Profiles

You can create insulation over Structure Functional Design and Structure Design profiles (stiffener, beam, and stiffener on free edge).

See Also
Insulating Structure Panels
Connecting Structure Insulations
Splitting Structure Insulation
  1. Activate a physical product or a 3D shape representation to be used as a context.

    • If the context is a physical product, a separate insulation 3D part with insulation feature, is created for each selected support.
    • If the context is a 3D shape representation, insulation feature is directly created under the representation.

  2. From the Structure Insulation section of the action bar, click Structure Profile Insulation .
  3. In the Structure Profile Insulation panel, select a PLM type from the list.

    Note: The PLM type list is available only for physical product context.

  4. Enter the name of the insulation feature.

    You can keep the default name derived automatically.

  5. In the Support box, select profiles to insulate.

    Tip: You can select the panel or plate to select all the stiffeners created on it.

  6. Optional: Click Combine/Separate to combine the insulations of the profiles whose traces are connected in G0 continuity.

    In the Element List, the first profile is used as a reference for creating the insulation. The icon is displayed in front of it. The insulation is created taking into account the properties of this reference profile only.

    You can select a different profile and click Set as Reference to set it as a reference. The profile is moved to the top in the list and set as a reference for insulation creation.

    • A single insulation feature is created for the combined insulations.
    • By default, the Combine/Separate button is turned off and a separate insulation is created for each selected profile.
    • If some profiles are not connected to the reference profile, an error message appears and such profiles are removed from the selection.
    • For stiffeners on free edges created on multiple panels, the profile insulation considers the thickness of the reference panel only.
    • The Support panel of stiffener check box in preferences must be selected if it was selected while creating the stiffeners.
    • After splitting a combined insulation, the newly created insulations have the same properties as that of the combined insulation.
  7. Under Contour Definition, select one of the following contour types:
    Contour TypeDescription
    Bounding box Insulation is created using the bounding box of the profile.

    You can change the slope angle for insulation over stiffeners.

    Section Insulation is created using the section of the profile.

    Formed shape Insulation is created with a formed shape. The shape is computed using the T1, T2, W, h1, and h2 parameters.

    You can do any of the following:

    • From the Mode list, select any of the following combinations and specify the values of the parameters to compute the shape: T1 + T2, T1 + W, or T2 + W.
    • Click ƒx Thickness to link the parameters to the profile thickness and compute the shape automatically using a formula. In case of a combination that includes W, you need to specify the value of W.

    For stiffeners, you can specify the value of the h2 parameter as zero.


    Tip: Specify a value in the Extend length box to extend the length of the profile insulation, to strengthen its connection with the panel insulation. This box is unavailable for the Formed shape contour type.
  8. Optional: Under Limits, specify limits for the profile insulation.

    You can select plane, surface, or panel insulation as a limit. You can also add offset from the selected limits or extremities, by entering the offset values or using the handles in the 3D area.

  9. Under Material & Thickness, specify the material and thickness for the insulation.
    Note: If a material table is set in Data Setup, the materials appear in the Material list. Otherwise, you can click More... to import or search the required material.
  10. Click OK.
    The insulation is created.

    For stiffeners, the insulation is created properly taking into account the stiffener positioning type (Normal to plate or Along plane).

    If the stiffener's limits are modified, the profile insulation is updated accordingly.

  11. Optional: To edit the insulation, select the insulation feature and click Structure Profile Insulation on the context toolbar.

    • A proper context must be active.
    • In physical product context,
      • You cannot edit an insulation feature which is created under 3D part other than insulation 3D part.
      • You cannot edit an insulation feature, if there are multiple insulation features created under the same insulation 3D part.
    • The PLM type list is unavailable in edit mode.