News Bulletin Details

You can view the details of a news bulletin, but you cannot edit those details.

To access this page:

  1. View the list of news bulletins for an object. See News Bulletins List.
  2. Click the Name of the news bulletin.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field Name Description
Name Name of the news bulletin.
Title Title defined for the news bulletin.
Originator Person who created the news bulletin.
Date Created Date the news bulletin was created.
Notes The text of the news bulletin.


Category Description For More Information


Shows a log of events that have occurred.

Viewing History for Content in the 3DEXPERIENCE Basics


Shows the lifecycle of the object and its current state.

Lifecycle Page in the 3DEXPERIENCE Basics

Connected To

Shows the objects that contain the news bulletin.

Viewing Where an Object is Used (Referenced By)