Verified Technology Properties

You can view and edit the details about a verified technology.

To access this page:

  1. List the existing verified technologies for a component. See Verified Technologies List.
  2. Click the Name of the verified technology.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field Name Description
Name Name of the verified technology.
Title Descriptive title of the verified technology.
Originator Name of the person who created the verified technology.
LSI Vendor Name of the technology vendor.
Technology Code Vendor's code for the technology.
Feature Size Size of the feature in microns.
Verified Date Test date.
IP Block Name of the IP Block connected to this verified technology.
Remarks Comments about the verified technology.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description
Edit Details To edit the verified technology:
  1. Click Edit Details.
  2. Edit the required fields. You cannot change the Originator or IP Block.
  3. Click Done.


Category Description For More Information


Shows a log of events that have occurred.

Viewing History for Content in the 3DEXPERIENCE Basics


Shows the lifecycle of the object and its current state.

Lifecycle Page in the 3DEXPERIENCE Basics

IP Block

Shows the IP Block that uses the verified technology.

List of Associated IP Blocks