Sharing Objects with Other Users

You can share content with other people and manage their permissions.

You can do the following:

  • View who content is shared with
  • Share content with individual users, user groups, or collaborative space/organization pairs.
  • Modify their permissions
  • Unshare content

Depending on the object type you select and your own permission level, you can share content with the following permission levels:

  • Can View: Provides the permission to search the content and view its properties.
  • Can Read: Provides Can View permissions, and the additional permissions to explore, use, and open the content.
  • Can Edit: Provides Can Read permissions, and additional permissions to:
    • Modify the content and its attributes
    • Lock and unlock the content (if not already locked by another user)
    • Insert, delete and edit instance properties
    • Add, delete, and edit ports and connections
  • Can Manage: Provides Can Edit permissions, and the possibility to grant Can Edit permissions to someone else.

For more information, see Baseline Responsibilities and Sharing Content with Others.

  • You can only share content with collaborative space/organization pairs you belong to.
  • You can share content with private collaborative spaces only.
  • You cannot unshare content with users or groups of users that have access to it by default. However, you can share it with additional people.
  • If an object is shared with someone, any new revisions created after you shared it will also be shared.

Required access roles: Reader, Contributor, Author, Leader, Owner. For more information, see Collaborative Lifecycle Access to Content.

  1. Select one or several objects.

    Tip: Select several objects to grant them the same accesses.

  2. From the Collaboration section of the action bar, click Share .
    The Share dialog box displays:
    • The owner of the selected object at the top of the dialog box
    • The list of users or groups or users the object is currently shared with below, with their permission level.
      Note: If you selected several objects, only the users or groups of users all the selected objects are shared with are displayed.
  3. To share the object with an additional user, user group, or collaborative space/organization pair:
    1. Search for the user, user group, collaborative space, or organization with the Search box.

      Note: Only active users are retrieved.

    2. Select the user, user group, or collaborative space/organization pair.
    3. Select the required permission from the list.
    4. Click Add User.
  4. To modify the permissions, select a value from the corresponding Permission list.


    Access rights that are inherited from a parent object are grayed out and cannot be modified or removed.

    Click More... to view the name of the parent in the Inherited From column, and the type of inherited access in the Inherited Access column.

    For example, the access rights can be inherited from a Bookmark Workspace or a Bookmark Folder. For more information, see Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide: Team Central: Bookmark Workspaces: About Bookmark Workspaces.

  5. To unshare the object with a user or group of users, click Remove this access on the corresponding line.
  6. Click Save.

  • If you selected more than one object, access rights that are not common to all the selected objects are kept.
  • If you share a bookmark, the accesses are only applied when the bookmark is promoted to the Active maturity state. For more information, see Changing Maturity.