Deleting Objects

You can delete objects using the Delete command from the action bar.

You can run the Delete command from a navigation tab, an authoring tab or a search result tab.

For objects with multiple revisions, you can delete a revision only if:

  • The previous revision exists and the current owner has read access for it.
  • Both the revision to delete and the previous revision are available and editable on the local site. For more information, see About Site Ownership.

Aggregated objects are deleted with their parent.

You cannot delete:

  • Objects that are locked by someone else.
  • Objects that are loaded in session.
  • A reference that is instantiated under another reference or in another assembly. First delete all instances of a reference before you can delete the reference.
  • References that are EBOM-controlled. For more information, see About Collaboration Between Physical Product and Engineering BOM.
  • Objects that belongs to a distant site. For more information about site ownership, see Import, Export and About Site Ownership.

This command uses the PLMAuthoringDefaultPropagationScope business logic to define if objects are excluded from the operation. By default, objects that are not in the same collaborative space as their root context are excluded from the scope of the operation, and are reused. The root context is, for each object, the parent of the highest level among the selected objects. For more information, see Installation and Setup | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | 3DEXPERIENCE Configuration and Customization | Behavior | Data Setup | List of Resource Set IDs | Infrastructure Business Logics | Business Logic Implementations | Operation Propagation (PLMAuthoringDefaultPropagationScope).

Required access roles: Reader, Contributor, Author, Leader, Owner. For more information, see Collaborative Lifecycle Access to Content.

  1. Explore objects or display them in a Search results, with the Collaborative Lifecycle or Collaborative IP Management app activated.
  2. Select one or more objects to delete.
  3. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, click Delete .
    The Delete dialog box appears.
  4. Optional: To delete the children of the selected objects, select the Whole structure option.
    Details about the structure under each selection are displayed in the Summary section. All of the indicated objects are deleted when you confirm the operation.
  5. Click OK.

    All objects that can be deleted are permanently deleted from the database. The child objects of any object that cannot be deleted are excluded from the delete scope.

    If all or some objects could not be deleted, a dialog box appears with a report. This report indicates which objects have not been deleted, why it has not been deleted and how to solve the issue.
  6. To resolve an error:
    1. Select the corresponding row and follow the suggestion given in the Error Message column.

      For more information about Unlock all locked content and Unlock selected content , see Locking and Unlocking Objects.

      For more information about Explore parents , see Explore Parent.

    2. When all errors are resolved, click Relaunch Delete command .

      Important: A business logic enables you to exclude parts from the deletion scope. For more information, see Installation and Setup > Customize > 3DEXPERIENCE platform > Behavior > Data Setup > List of Resource Set IDs > Infrastructure Business Logic > Business Logic for Validation on Server > Deletion: Pre Check Delete (PLMPreCheckDelete).