You can create a revision of an object to capture a particular
derivation during its lifecycle.
You can create a new revision of an object if:
The last revision is in a maturity state that authorizes revising.
The last revision of the object belongs to the local site. For more information,
see Exchange Management User's Guide: Site Information.
The enterprise item number, if any, is copied from the selected revision. For more
information, see
Engineering Release User's Guide: Managing Engineering Items: Specifying Enterprise Item Numbers for
Engineering Items.
The New Revision command does not keep graphic properties
modifications. For more information, see Product Structure Design User's Guide, Working with
Persistent or Volatile Product Graphic Properties, Keep
Creating new revisions is not allowed for every type of objects. An error
message appears if you cannot create a new revision of the object you
Select all connected objects together to duplicate the
connections and move them to the new objects. Otherwise, the new objects will remain
connected to the initial object. For more information, see Relation Management.
By default, you can create a new revision from any
revision. Administrators can modify this behavior and allow the creation of
revisions from the latest revision only. For more
information, see Configuring Lifecycle and Collaboration Commands.
Context: The following diagram shows examples of
P1 A
is the initial revision of the family, and all other objects are revisions created
along the same branch.
Select one or several objects.
From the Compass, click Collaborative
From the Lifecycle section of
the action bar, click New
The New Revision command can be run
from a navigation tab, from an authoring tab, or from a Search Result tab.
The New Revision dialog box appears. All the content to be revised
is be displayed as well as all required content automatically added to the
scope (for example, the representation of a 3D part).
When the New Revision dialog box appears, the colored
arrows in the first column let you know if the object is the last revision
or not:
A green arrow indicates that the object and its required content are
the last revision of the object.
A yellow arrow indicates that the object and its required content
are not the last revision and the New revision from any
revision option is selected.
A red arrow indicates that the selection and its required content are not the last
revision, and the New revision from any
revision option is cleared.
You cannot click OK
when a red arrow is present.
If there are attached document, to also create a revision of these documents,
select the All documents option in the
Propagation options section.
The documents are added to the list.
Optional: In the Applicability date field,
click the calendar and choose a date to indicate the validity of this revision.
This value is only used for information purposes. The Applicability date box
may not be displayed depending on your setup. It is shown only when the
Applicability Date attribute is shown in search results.
Click OK to create the new revision.
The new revision is created, and a confirmation message appears. No further save
action is required.
Depending on the type of the initial tab, a new
Navigation tab, a new Authoring tab or a new Search Result appears with the
new revisions. Multiple tabs can be displayed if unconnected objects were
initially selected.
To replace the
revision in an existing structure with the new revision, you must use the
Replace by Revision command in an Authoring tab.