Dimension lines alignment
Offset mode
Select the desired option:
- Constant
- The offset between dimensions of a system remains
constant and equal to the value defined in the Offset between dimensions
Available for stacked dimension systems.
- Free
- The dimensions of a system can be moved independently.
Available for stacked dimension systems and cumulated dimension systems.
Offset between dimensions
Defines the value of the offset between dimensions.
Dimension values alignment
Align cumulated dimension values
- Select the desired option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for
cumulated dimensions systems.
- Reference line
- Center
- Opposite
- From standard
In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:
![Click to enlarge this image](../Gdr3DMasterImages/cumuldimalignNLS_s.gif)
Align stacked dimension values
- Select the required option to specify how dimension values should be aligned for
stacked dimensions systems.
- Reference line
- Center
- Opposite
In the image below, d is the Values Offset properties:
![Click to enlarge this image](../Gdr3DMasterImages/stackeddimalignNLS_s.gif)
Values Offset
- Specifies the distance between the alignment reference and the dimension
Automatically add a funnel
- Adds funnels to
cumulated or stacked systems whenever a dimension value line-up is performed.
If you do not select this option, you can add funnels manually via
or when creating the dimension system.