General Parameters

General parameters let you control and restrict the values that are available for some element properties, by controlling the values in the Object Properties panel or in the element properties.

Changing these values will not have an impact on already existing elements, since they control the user interface and not directly the drafting elements.

About General Parameters

General parameters are located in the Standard Definition dialog box, in the drafting category > General node, available via Me > Preferences > Standards.

Parameter DescriptionValue
Allowed Tolerance Formats

Lists tolerance styles allowed on dimensions. Only the listed styles will be displayed and available to users through the Object Properties panel, underDimension Properties.

List of strings

empty list = all defined tolerance styles are available

Default Tolerance Format

Deprecated Now managed in Dimension Styles


Allowed Numerical Formats

Lists value display styles allowed on dimensions. Only the listed styles will be available to users through the Object Properties panel, under Dimension Properties.

Strings: list of Value Display styles, spelled exactly as they appear in the Dimension Properties.

empty list = all Value Display styles are available

Default Numerical Format Length

Deprecated Now managed in Dimension Styles


Default Numerical Format Angle

Deprecated Now managed in Dimension Styles


Allowed Text Fonts

Lists allowed text fonts. Only the listed fonts will be available to users in the Object Properties panel, under Text Properties .

Strings: list of font names, spelled exactly as they appear in the Text Properties.

blank = all installed fonts will be available

Default Text Font

Deprecated Now managed in Annotation Styles


Allowed Text Font Sizes

Lists allowed text font sizes (in mm). Only the listed sizes will be available by default to users in the Object Properties panel, under Text Properties. Nevertheless, users are free to enter custom text font sizes.

List of values in mm

Default Text Font Size

Deprecated Now managed in Annotation Styles


Standard Update Migration

Specifies whether some annotations (roughness symbol, geometrical tolerance and balloon) should be migrated when updating the standard of a drawing. Setting this parameter to Yes is recommended if you want to benefit, when applicable, from any new functionality implemented for such annotations since they were created on a previous release. Annotation configuration will not be lost.


Sheet Colors

Specifies the default color for:

  • 3D Design: for applications displaying a 3D model

  • 2D Design: for applications displaying a 2D model

  • 2D Template: for 2D template design of all applications
  • Background: for both design and detail sheet backgrounds

Not used in 3D Tolerancing & Annotation and Generative Functional Tolerancing.

GREY = 208, 212, 214

WHITE = 255, 255, 255

WHITE = 255, 255, 255

GREY = 130, 130, 130

Tolerance Values

Specifies the default value for:

  • The Numerical Tolerance Values.

  • The Alphanumerical Tolerance Values.

  • The Bi-Alphanumerical Tolerance Values.

  • The Multiple Tolerance Values.

You can modify, add, remove or organize tolerance values.

You can not save more than 30 Alphanumeric tolerance values in a standard. This limitation is true for the following types of tolerance values: - Numerical Tolerance Values - Alphanumerical Tolerance Values - Bi-Alphanumerical Tolerance Values - Multiple Tolerance Values

The check symbol indicates the default tolerance value.

Stroke Font Print Thickness

Specifies the print thickness of Stroke Font, in drawing and 3D part representations.

  • Same as screen

  • Ratio of character's height

  • Fixed

This option does not change the display mode.