Hazard Process Properties

A hazard object has a processing cycle that consists of stages for Analysis, Evaluation, Reduction, Verification, and Completeness. This topic describes the fields in each process.

This page discusses:


In the Analysis process you enter basic hazard details.

Analysis Fields

Field Name Description
Current Severity The current severity level. Values are 1 through 5.
Initial Severity The initial severity level.
Current Occurrence The current occurrence level. Values are 1 through 5.
Initial OccurrenceThe initial occurrence level.
Current RPNThe current Risk Priority Number for the hazard. The system calculates the RPN value by multiplying the probability value by the impact value. The probability and impact values can both range from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Therefore, the RPN can range from 1 (1x1) to 25 (5x5).
Initial RPNThe initial Risk Priority Number for the hazard.
TitleThe title of the hazard.


The current process of the hazard.
IdentificationWhether the hazard is "Known," "Foreseeable," or "Undefined."
Sequence of EventsThe sequence of events for hazardous situations.
ConditionWhether the hazard is possible in a "Normal" or "Fault" condition. This can also be "Undefined."
Hazardous SituationCircumstances in which people, property or environment are exposed to hazards.
Major ClassificationThe major classification of the hazard.
HarmIdentifies physical injury or damage to people, damage to property or environment.
Minor ClassificationThe minor classification of the hazard.

Analysis Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
DoneSaves the entered information and keeps the hazard object in the Analysis process.--
Start Risk EvaluationCompletes the Analysis process and moves the hazard object to the Evaluation process.Evaluation
Restart Risk Analysis Displays only when a hazard has completed the Analysis process. Moves the hazard back to the Analysis process.--


In the Evaluation process, you determine how acceptable the risk is.

Evaluation Fields

Field Name Description
Risk Acceptability Criteria The criteria that should be met to accept the risk on this hazard.
Risk Acceptable Whether the risk is acceptable, or undefined.
Risk Reduction Required Whether risk reduction is required to make the risk aceptable.
Risk Acceptable JustificationThe justification for accepting the risk.
Risk Reduction Not Required RationaleThe reason why risk reduction is not required.

Evaluation Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
DoneSaves the entered information.--
Start Risk ReductionDisplays if "Risk Reduction Required" is set to "Yes." Completes the Analysis process and moves the hazard object to the Reduction process.Reduction
Restart Risk Evaluation Displays only when a hazard has completed the Evaluation process. Moves the hazard back to the Evaluation process.--


In the Reduction process, you adopt/apply one or more risk reduction options.

Reduction Fields

To edit reduction options, see Hazard Reduction Options.

Field Name Description
Option The risk reduction option. Typically, this is an option to ensure safety or provide a protective measure.
Measure The control measure taken. A free-text area.
Implementation Practicable Whether the control measure can be put into practice successfully.
Implementation Verification Verification of control measure implementation.
Effectiveness VerificationVerification of the control measure's effectiveness.
Residual RiskThe risk remaining after the control measure is taken.
Residual Risk Disclosure InformationSafety information to be disclosed for a residual risk.
Residual Risk Disclosure VerificationVerification of the residual risk disclosure.
Generates HazardWhether the mitigation of the current hazard generates any new hazards.

Reduction Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Mass UpdateUpdates values in the column name you select with the value you enter. You can apply an update to all options or only to selected options. --
SaveSaves any information you entered or updated.--
Complete Risk ReductionCompletes the Risk Reduction process and moves the hazard object to the Verification process.Verification
Restart Risk Reduction Displays only when a hazard has completed the Reduction process. Moves the hazard back to the Reduction process.--


In the Verification process, you verify the risk reductions.

Verification Fields

The table is the same as the one used in the Reduction process. See Reduction. You are allowed to update verification fields if you restart the verification process.

Verification Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Restart Risk Reduction Verification Displays only when a hazard has completed Verification process. Allows you to update verification fields.--
Complete Risk Reduction VerificationCompletes the verification process and moves the hazard object to Completion.Completion


In the Completion process, you make any updates to the hazard based on previous risk processing.

Completion Fields

Field Name Description
Current Severity The current severity level. Values are 1 through 5.
Initial Severity The initial severity level.
Current Occurrence The current occurrence level. Values are 1 through 5.
Initial OccurrenceThe initial occurrence level.
Current RPNThe current Risk Priority Number for the hazard. The system calculates the RPN value by multiplying the probability value by the impact value. The probability and impact values can both range from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Therefore, the RPN can range from 1 (1x1) to 25 (5x5).
Initial RPNThe initial Risk Priority Number for the hazard.
Residual Risk AcceptableWhether the residual risk is acceptable.
Risk/Benefit AnalysisA free-form field for any risk/benefit analysis.
Disclose Residual RiskWhether to disclose the residual risk.
Benefit Exceeds RiskWhether the benefit exceeds the risk.

Completion Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
DoneSaves any information you entered or updated.--
Complete ReviewCompletes all hazard processing. After the review is completed it is possible to restart one of the earlier processes and make updates to risk information..--