Patient Properties

This page displays patient details such as age, medical history, laboratory test details, diagnosis details, and autopsy details in case of death.

Important: This app stores personal data in some settings. To follow good personal data management practices, Business Administrators might need to edit these settings to remove personal data, such as names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

To access this page:

This page discusses:


Field Name Description
Identifier Displays the identification number of the patient
Patient Details Date Of Birth Displays the date of birth of the patient
Gender Displays the gender of the patient
Age At Time Of EventDisplays the age of the patient when the event occurred
WeightDisplays the weight of the patient
Medical HistoryDisplays information about the medical history of the patient such as allergies, surgeries performed, and treatments undergone
DeathDisplays TRUE if the patient is dead. Otherwise, displays FALSE.
Death DateDisplays the death date of the patient
Problem CodeDisplays codes for effects that the event caused on the patient
Additional InformationDisplays additional information about the patient
Lab Test DetailsLab ResultsDisplays results of laboratory tests performed on the patient
Diagnosis DetailsDiagnosisDisplays TRUE if diagnostic procedures were performed on the patient. Otherwise, displays FALSE.
Remedial Action TakenDisplays the remedial action taken by the healthcare facility with respect to the diagnosis
Diagnosis ResultsDisplays the results of the diagnosis
No Diagnosis RationaleDisplays the reason why diagnostic procedures were not performed on the patient
Autopsy DetailsAutopsy PerformedDisplays TRUE if autopsy was performed on the patient. Otherwise, displays FALSE.
Death Due To AutopsyDisplays TRUE if death occurred due to autopsy. Otherwise, displays FALSE.
ResultsDisplays the results of the autopsy, if autopsy was performed on the patient
OutcomeDisplays information about the outcome of the patient involved in the event

Actions and Toolbar Commands

Action DescriptionFor More Information
Enable EditLets you modify the details of the patientModifying Patient Details


Category Name DescriptionFor More Information
EventsLists the events with which the patient is associatedEvents
HistoryDisplays history of patient objectSee Getting Started: Using History Pages: History Page in the Business Process Services - AEF User's Guide