Field Name | Description | |
Identifier | Displays the identification number of the patient | |
Patient Details | Date Of Birth | Displays the date of birth of the patient |
Gender | Displays the gender of the patient | |
Age At Time Of Event | Displays the age of the patient when the event occurred | |
Weight | Displays the weight of the patient | |
Medical History | Displays information about the medical history of the patient such as allergies, surgeries performed, and treatments undergone | |
Death | Displays TRUE if the patient is dead. Otherwise, displays FALSE. | |
Death Date | Displays the death date of the patient | |
Problem Code | Displays codes for effects that the event caused on the patient | |
Additional Information | Displays additional information about the patient | |
Lab Test Details | Lab Results | Displays results of laboratory tests performed on the patient |
Diagnosis Details | Diagnosis | Displays TRUE if diagnostic procedures were performed on the patient. Otherwise, displays FALSE. |
Remedial Action Taken | Displays the remedial action taken by the healthcare facility with respect to the diagnosis | |
Diagnosis Results | Displays the results of the diagnosis | |
No Diagnosis Rationale | Displays the reason why diagnostic procedures were not performed on the patient | |
Autopsy Details | Autopsy Performed | Displays TRUE if autopsy was performed on the patient. Otherwise, displays FALSE. |
Death Due To Autopsy | Displays TRUE if death occurred due to autopsy. Otherwise, displays FALSE. | |
Results | Displays the results of the autopsy, if autopsy was performed on the patient | |
Outcome | Displays information about the outcome of the patient involved in the event |