Distance |
Fix |
Coincidence |
Perpendicular |
Parallel |
Tangency |
Angle |
Radius |
Driving Dimension Sets the dimension type to driving. This is the default type. Driving dimensions
are user-defined and constrain geometry to the value specified. They do not
update to reflect changes to content such as element
moves. |
Driven Dimension Sets the dimension type to driven. Driven dimensions
are measured dimensions. They update to reflect changes to content, but cannot
be edited. Driven dimensions appear with brackets around the dimension value,
for example, (30). |
Reroute Lets you change the anchor point of a constraint. |
Orient the constraint Lets you control how elements move with respect to each other. Orienting a constraint determines which side moves. An arrow shows the side that changes.  
No orientation The system controls how elements move with respect to each other. |
Angle Sector 1 to 4 Controls how the angle in angle constraints is measured.    
Activate Applies the selected constraint. |
Deactivate Turns off the selected constraint. |
Equations Creates non-oriented linear equation-driven dimensions based on existing 3D dimensions. |