Model Assembly Design serves as a bridge between 3DEXPERIENCE platform
and data that are external to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Model Assembly Design is a native app
that provides the ability to:
- Insert External Simulation Representations into a product
- Move data in and out of an External Simulation Representation.
- Analyze the impact of modifying data.
- Control concurrent design changes of the external simulation.
- Apply lifecycle management to the files in an external simulation.
- Delete and duplicte assemblies of finite element models (FEMs).
- Automate FEM and mesh creation for the parts in an assembly.
- Generate and review FEM reports indicating the content and quality of the
- Manage a structure of FEMs: for example, to add or remove nodes or to insert
existing models.
- Create abstraction shapes to modify geometry when you do not want to change
the original parts.
- Publish elements of the FEM to support creation and replacement by
alternaitve designs
For information about accessing Model Assembly Design, see Opening an App from the Compass.