Changing Manufacturing Responsibility

A Manufacturing Engineer or Senior Manufacturing Engineer can change manufacturing responsibilities for a part whose status is Current.

Before you begin: Access a part Properties page. See Part Properties.
See Also
About Manufacturing Responsibility
Assigning Manufacturing Responsibility
  1. Click the Manufacturing Details category.
  2. Click the Manufacturing Responsibility tab.
  3. From the page toolbar, click Edit All.
  4. Select a plant whose status is Current and click Change Manufacturing Responsibility from the page Actions menu or toolbar.
    A new row is added to the table containing a plant with the same name and attributes as the selected plant. Text is highlighted in green. You can make changes to the following attributes:
    DescriptionYou can change the description for manufacturing plants.
    Change In the Change column, click the cell and click to select the change object to effect in the manufacturing responsibility changes. Search results include MECOs and CAs connected to the part.
    ERP StatusClick the cell in the ERP Status column and select Active, Inactive, or Unassigned from the list. This changes the manufacturing status of the Manufacturing Responsibility relationship. A pending relationship can be switched without a new CA. Changing a current relationship requires a new CA.
    Lead Plant Click the cell in the Lead Plant column and select TRUE or FALSE from the list. There can be only one lead plant for a given part. If you select a new plant as the lead plant, the system checks if any other plant has been assigned as the lead plant already. If yes, the system displays the following message:
    You cannot have more than one lead plant.

    You must first make the existing lead plant status false before you can assign a new one.

    When you set the lead plant attribute to TRUE, you must also select a CA or MECO from the Change column.

    For a part, an MECO or CA connected to the part can be selected.

    Make/BuyIf the value of Status is "Pending" and the Design Purchase attribute value is "Design," the Make/Buy value can be changed. See About Make/Buy.
  5. Click Save to save changes.
  6. If you make further changes to the manufacturing responsibility attributes, you can save the changes as a markup by clicking Save Markup from the page toolbar. You can then view the markup under the Markups tab of the part's Bill of Materials page. See Markups Related to a Part.