Creating a BOM Markup

This task shows how to create a BOM Markup from edit mode in the Plant Preferences view of a bill of materials.

Before you begin: Access the Bill of Materials page of a part.
See Also
About BOM Markups
  1. From the View menu, select Plant Preferences.
  2. From the page toolbar, click Edit All. The button name toggles to View All to permit you to return to view mode.
  3. Edit the page to make the necessary changes. See Part Bill of Materials - Plant Preferences View
  4. Click Markup to save all changes made in the BOM as a BOM markup. Select one of the following:
    • Save. Saves the changes as a new BOM markup for the BOM using a system-generated name.
    • Save As. Allows you to save the changes as a new markup BOM with a any name you specify.
  5. Make modifications, as necessary. The following can be updated:

    Name. Type the name of the new BOM markup.

    This option is only available when Save As is selected from the Markup list.

    Engineering Change. Select the change process to connect to the BOM markup.

    If it is an EBOM change, it requires a CO/CR. If there is a plant-specific change, an MECO is required. If the EBOM change is part of a deviation, then an ECR with Deviation is selectable. The Markup page tells which change is required by showing the Search field.

    Description. Type details that describe the BOM markup.

  6. Click Done.