Copying an Operation Position

You can copy an operation position from one operation to another.

See Also
About Operation Position
Defining an Operation Position
Defining and Copying an Operation Position Using Product Build-Up
  1. Define a position on the operation TSTLoadingCylinder relative to the resource UserResource1.2.
  2. Define a position on the operation TSTLoadingCube relative to the resource RobotCube.
  3. Pre-select LoadingCylinder, which has a defined position, and select Operation Position > Copy Position.

    The Copy Position dialog box appears.

    The Current positioning Resource column indicates that there is an existing position on TSTLoadingCube.

    All new positioning resources are proposed as UserResource1.2 because the copied position is defined on UserResource1.2.

  4. Select the check box Extend to type: User Defined.
    The Current positioning Resource column shows that only operation TSTLoadingCube has a position: it is relative to resource RobotCube.1

    When several resources of the type User Defined are possible, the text Select a resource gives access to a drop down list. You can select a new positioning resource from the list.

  5. Select the check box Extend to category: Used.

    When several resources of the category Used are possible, the text Select a resource gives access to a drop down list. You can select a new positioning resource from the list.

  6. Select new positioning resources for the operations.

  7. Click OK to accept the new operation positions.