R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Transform X-Y Plots from History OutputBenefits: If you want to transform specific results at a limited number of nodes for
nodal vector fields, transforming X-Y plots from history output enhances performance. It
results in a smaller output file size than transforming field data.
For more information, see
Creating X-Y Plots from History Data
Camera Following Node MovementsBenefits: You can now track nodal movement as the model deforms during an animation,
which can allow you to evaluate the integrity of a part of the model.
For more information, see
Creating a Camera
Monitoring Cameras
R2022x GA
Dialog Boxes StandardizedBenefits: Standardization of dialog boxes eliminates confusion and provides a better
user experience.
Export Sensor Outputs to CSVBenefits: Exporting sensor information to a CSV file allows you to share analysis
information and collaborate with others on a team. Exporting the CSV file to the PLM
allows you to keep the file up to date with values from the latest
For more information, see
Exporting Resultant Sensor Output