What's New

This page describes recent changes in Physics Results Explorer.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Transform X-Y Plots from History Output

You can now transform X-Y plots from history output for vector variables for nodal output.
With a nodal vector field selected, use one of the following coordinate systems:
  • None (as output): No transformation occurs. Physics Results Explorer extracts the data from the SIM file without further modification.
  • Global: If a nodal transformation exists at the selected support node and you write the results in the nodal transform system, Physics Results Explorer transforms the extracted results to the global transform system before it displays them.
  • Nodal: If a nodal transformation exists at the selected support node and you write the results in the global transform system, Physics Results Explorer transforms the extracted results to the nodal transform system before it displays them.
  • SIM Cys: SIM Cys axes are non-feature-based axis systems written in the SIM Results file.
  • Model axis system: Physics Results Explorer transforms the results to the selected model axis system.
  • Result axis system: Physics Results Explorer transforms the results to the selected result axis system.
  • As ordinate: Physics Results Explorer applies the same transformation type as the type selected on the Y-axis.

You can plot a vector component on the Y-axis against another vector component on the X-axis and transform the plot against the X-axis only, against the Y-axis only, or against both axes.

Benefits: If you want to transform specific results at a limited number of nodes for nodal vector fields, transforming X-Y plots from history output enhances performance. It results in a smaller output file size than transforming field data.
For more information, see Creating X-Y Plots from History Data

Camera Following Node Movements

You can now set up a camera to track particular targets and follow node movements during an animation sequence.
You can specify the starting position and sight line in relation to coordinates, nodes, vertices, axis systems, and offset values. The preview capability allows you to verify the camera settings.

Additional preview panes display thumbnails of the active camera views. You can select these thumbnails to instantly apply the camera to the current view during both static views and animations.

Benefits: You can now track nodal movement as the model deforms during an animation, which can allow you to evaluate the integrity of a part of the model.
For more information, see Creating a Camera Monitoring Cameras

R2022x GA

Dialog Boxes Standardized

Physics Results Explorer now uses standardized dialog boxes that conform to user experience guidelines.
All dialog boxes now contain:
  • Standardized sizes for the OK, Apply, and Close commands and consistent spacing between these commands in the interface.
  • Default activation for OK when Enter is pressed.
    Note: The dialog box must be in focus for the default activation to work. If you select a subcomponent of the dialog box or click in the work area, the default activation no longer occurs.

In addition, the Plots dialog box now displays a list view consistent with the styles used in other dialog boxes such as the Feature Manager:

When you change the step, the list of frames changes accordingly. The table width resizes properly when adjusting the number of rows displayed, which ensures that the Fit All capability works as expected when the number of steps is changed.

Benefits: Standardization of dialog boxes eliminates confusion and provides a better user experience.

Export Sensor Outputs to CSV

You can now export the resultant sensor output from context menus available from the Feature Manager, the tree, and the sensor glyph.

You can export the output as a CSV file to the following targets:

  • File on disk
  • PLM document

The PLM document is an engineering document that you save to the cloud. From the search results, you can download the PLM document to your machine to access the file.

You can also optionally export the axis directions, as shown in the output below:

Benefits: Exporting sensor information to a CSV file allows you to share analysis information and collaborate with others on a team. Exporting the CSV file to the PLM allows you to keep the file up to date with values from the latest simulation.
For more information, see Exporting Resultant Sensor Output