User Level
Business Administrator
User LevelBusiness Administrator SyntaxThe command uses this syntax.
Add AssociationAssociations are created and defined with the Add Association command.
The Add Association clauses are:
Definition ClauseThis clause defines which groupss, roles, and associations are included in the new association. The definition must be enclosed in quotes.
For example, the following definition: Admin and Production or Manager and Services is evaluated as:
To create a definition using the AND operator, the AND operator requires that the person be defined in each group, role, or association that you include in the AND definition. For example:
To create a definition using the OR operator, the OR operator allows you to include persons defined in any of the groups, roles, or associations included in the OR definition. For example:
Single quotes are used for the two word name “Senior Management,” and there is no space between the name and either single quote. A space between the second single quote and the double quote is optional. To create a definition using Not Equal to exclude certain roles or groups or associations from the definition, you can use the Not Equal operator in the definition. Place an exclamation point (!) in front of whichever group/role/association you want to exclude. Be sure there is no space between the exclamation point and the name of the group/role/association. For example:
To create a definition using multiple operators, you can use any combination of roles and groups and associations using AND and OR operators and Equal and Not Equal. You can, for example, create a definition such as “A member of the Products Group AND a member of the Engineering Group OR a member of the Design Group OR a Vice President but NOT a member of the Marketing Group.” For example:
Copy AssociationAfter an association is defined, you can clone the definition with the Copy Association command. This command lets you duplicate defining clauses with the option to change the value of clause arguments.
Modify AssociationAfter an association is defined, you can change the definition with the Modify Association command. This command lets you add or remove defining clauses and change the value of clause arguments.
Each modification clause is related to the clauses and arguments that define the association. For example, assume you want to alter the definition for the Drivers First Shift association to reflect the addition of a new group. You might write this command:
This command redefines the groups that are included in the association. When modifying an association:
Delete AssociationIf an association definition is no longer required, you can delete it with the Delete Association command.
After this command is processed, the 3DSpace searches the list of associations. If the name is not found, an error message is displayed. If the name is found, the association is deleted and any linkages to that association are dissolved. For example, to delete the association named “Tree Specialists,” enter the following MQL command:
After this command is processed, the association is deleted and you receive an MQL prompt for another command. |