businessobject Command Syntax

Use this syntax to issue the businessobject command.

sync | deduplicatefile | 
duplicatefile ] businessobject BO_NAME policy POLICY_NAME {CLAUSE};

  • BO_NAME is the Type Name Revision of the business object. The maximum length for SQL Server is 127 characters, and for Oracle is 127 bytes. The number of bytes per character depends on the database setting for character encoding. Thus, for Oracle, the character count will be fewer than for SQL Server if some characters are multibyte. The same is true for all string values stored in the database. For more information, see About Administrative Object Names.
  • POLICY_NAME is the policy that governs the business object. The Policy clause is required when defining a new business object. For more information, see Policy Clause.
  • CLAUSE provides additional information about the business object.

In addition to the syntax above, you can also control the state of a business object. For more information, see Business Object State.