expression Command

Using MQL, expression can be created and saved in the database to be evaluated against a business object, a connection, or from within a webreport, against a collection of business objects or connections. Once created, saved expressions can be referenced by name in a business object or connection Select clause. Since Select clauses can be embedded in expressions, they can be used in Where clauses and access filters as well. Expression objects can also be referenced by name in webreports.

This page discusses:

User Level

Business Administrator


The command uses this syntax.

[add|copy|modify|evaluate|delete|list|print]expression NAME [CLAUSEs];
  • NAME is the name of the expression you are defining. The name you choose is the name that will be referenced to use the expression. For more information, see About Administrative Object Names.
  • CLAUSEs provide additional information about the attribute.

Add Expression

To define an expression from within MQL use the add expression command.


add expression NAME [ADD_ITEM {ADD_ITEM}];
  • ADD_ITEM provides additional information about the expression.

The add expression clauses are:

description STRING_VALUE
value VALUE
[!|not] hidden
property NAME [to ADMIN] [value STRING]

Formulating Expressions on Business Objects or Relationships


If-then-else logic is available for expressions. The syntax is:

  • The EXPRESSION1 term must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. If the EXPRESSION1 term evaluates to UNKNOWN, it is treated as TRUE. The if-then-else expression returns the result of evaluating EXPRESSION2 or EXPRESSION3 depending on whether or not EXPRESSION1 is TRUE or FALSE.
  • Only one of EXPRESSION2 or EXPRESSION3 is evaluated. So if the expressions have side-effects (which can happen since expressions can run programs), these effects will not occur unless the expression is evaluated.

For example:

eval expr' if (attribute[Actual Weight] > attribute[Target Weight])
 then ("OVER") else ("OK")' on bus 'Body Panel' 610210 0;


The substring operator works within an expression to provide the ability to get a part of a string; the syntax is:


The substring operator works as follows:

  • The FIRST_CHAR and LAST_CHAR terms must evaluate to numbers that are positive or negative, and whose absolute value is between 1 and the number of characters in the string returned by EXPRESSION .
  • The numbers returned by these terms indicate a character in the string returned by EXPRESSION .
  • The characters are counted so that ‘1’ refers to the first character. A negative number indicates the character found by counting in the reverse direction. So ‘-1” refers to the last character.
  • The substring operator returns the part of the string returned by EXPRESSION consisting of the characters from the FIRST_CHAR character to the LAST_CHAR character, inclusive.
  • If FIRST_CHAR evaluates to a character that is after the character indicated by LAST_CHAR , an empty string is returned.

For example, to obtain the last 4 characters of a 10-character phone number, use:

eval expression 'substring -4 -1 attribute[Phone Number]' on bus Vendor 'XYZ Co.' 0;


Dateperiod lets you determine the period (year, quarter, month, week and/or day) in which a given date has occurred. You include 2 arguments with the keyword dateperiod; the first defines the period to evaluate; the second is the date in question. To define a dateperiod, you can include one or more of the following periods to inquire about:

Period Description
y Returns a 4-digit year
q Returns 1 digit indicating the calendar year quarter, with possible values of 1,2,3, or 4.
m Returns a 2-digit month
w Returns a 2-digit week, with possible values of 01 to 53, calculated using International Standard ISO 8601 ( The first week of a new year (Week 01) is the week that has the majority of its days in the new year. Week 01 might also contain days from the previous year and the week before week 01 of a year is the last week (52 or 53) of the previous year even if it contains days from the new year. A week starts with Monday (day 1) and ends with Sunday (day 7). For example, the first week of the year 1997 lasts from 1996-12-30 to 1997-01-05; and the first week of 2005 lasts from 2005-01-03 to 2005-01-09.
d Returns a 2-digit date corresponding to the day of the month
fq## ## is 2 digits representing a month. fq## returns a 1-digit fiscal quarter whose year is assumed to start with the indicated month.
fy## ## is 2 digits representing a month. fy## returns a 4 digit fiscal year where the year is assumed to start with the indicated month.

Any other characters are simply returned with the expression’s output.

For example, the following expression determines in which fiscal quarter the objects it is evaluated against are due:

add expr QuarterlyDeliverables value 'dateperiod fq07 attribute[DueDate]';

Other examples:

dateperiod ym 2/03/04 returns 200402
dateperiod dwqy 2/03/04 returns 030512004

Dates in Expressions

The following calculations can be performed on dates within an expression:

  • Subtract two dates, obtaining a number of seconds
  • Add or subtract a number (of seconds) to/from a date
  • Use the string MX_CURRENT_TIME for the current date/time

For example, the following could be used to determine how old an object is (in hours):

evaluate expr '(MX_CURRENT_TIME - state[Released].actual) / 3600' on bus 'Body Panel' 610210 0

The following returns the average age of all objects in the set M6000-panels (in hours):

evaluate expr 'average ( (MX_CURRENT_TIME - state[Released].actual) / 3600)' on set M6000-panels;

Formulating Expressions for Collections

Certain kinds of expressions are applicable to collections of business objects (such as Query results or sets) or connections, returning a single answer for the entire collection.


These expressions are formed using one of several keywords. They are:

standarddeviaion (stddev or stddeviation)
correlation (cor)

All but the last of these keywords is expected to be followed by one expression, its argument, that applies to business objects. The last one, correlation, needs to be followed by two such expressions. Alternative spellings are indicated in parentheses. For each keyword, you can use all lowercase, all uppercase, or first character uppercase followed by all lowercase.


The count keyword takes as its argument a Where clause expression that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. It returns an integer that is the number of items in the collection that satisfy the argument. A simple example of such an expression is “count TRUE”, which evaluates to the number of objects in a collection of business objects.

For example, when the following expression is evaluated, it indicates the number of objects of Type ‘Body Panel’ in the database:

eval expr 'count TRUE' on temp query bus 'Body Panel' * *;

Evaluating the following returns the number of objects in the set “NewBooks” whose cost is between 10 and 50:

add expr LowCost value 'attribute[cost]>=10 AND attribute[cost]<=50';
eval expr 'count expression[LowCost]' on set NewBooks;

To do the same, but exclude children’s books, you could use the following:

eval expr 'count expression[LowCost]' on set NewBooks LESS
 temp query bus Book * * where 'attribute[Reading Level]==Child';

Or change the expression to:

add expr NewAdultLowCostBooks value 'attribute[cost]>=10 AND attribute[cost]<=50 
AND attribute[Reading Level]!=Child';


Sum returns a real number that represents a total of all the values of the specified attribute for all business objects in the collection. For example, when evaluated, the following returns the total of the values of the “Amount Due Employee” attribute for all business objects in the saved query “Expense Reports”:

add expr Expenses value 'attribute[Amount Due Employee]';
eval expr 'sum expression[Expenses]' on query Expense Reports; 
eval expr "'sum attribute[Amount Due Employee]' on query Expense Reports";

The following commands evaluate the ratio of total price to total cost for all objects in the set “Components”:

add expression Price value 'attribute[price]';
add expression Cost value 'attribute[cost]';
eval expr '((sum expression[Price]) / (sum expression[Cost]))' on set Components;

Maximum, Minimum, Average

Maximum returns a real number that represents the single largest value for the specified attribute for all business objects in the collection. For example, the following checks the value contained in the “diameter” attribute of each business object in the set “o-rings,” and returns whichever value is the highest:

add expr MaxDiameter value attribute[diameter];
eval expression ‘maximum expression[MaxDiameter]’ on set o-rings;

Minimum returns a real number that represents the single smallest value for the specified attribute for all business objects in the collection.

eval expr "'minimum attribute[diameter]' on set “o-rings”";

Average returns a real number that represents the average of all values for the specified attribute for all business objects in the collection.

eval expr "'average attribute[diameter]' on set “o-rings”";


Median returns a real number that represents the middle number of all values for the specified attribute for all business objects in the collection.

For example, the following shows the values, listed in numerical order, for the attribute Actual Weight for seven business objects that comprise the set FprSet:

7 15 19 25 26 31 35

Since the middle number of seven numbers is the fourth number, the median in this case is 25. That is the value returned for the following command:

eval expr "'median attribute[Actual Weight]' on set FprSet";

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation, generally used in statistical analysis, tells how closely data conforms to the mean in a set of data. There are two formulas for standard deviation; one for calculating the standard deviation given all elements of some population; another for when using a sample to get a good estimate for the population. 3DSpace assumes the stddev expression is evaluated over the entire population, and not just a sample.

Use Standard deviation to compare the values of business object attributes. The returned value is a real number.

For example, if you know the average age of all employees, you might want to know how many people are close to that age. The standard deviation will tell you, on average, how much the ages of the group differ from the mean. If the standard deviation is a small number, it could indicate that most of the people are close to the average age. If the standard deviation is a large number, it could indicate that there is a broader spread of ages.

The following example performs a standard deviation on the age attribute of all persons in the set Employees:

eval expr "'stddev attribute[age]' on set Employees";


Correlation, generally used in statistical analysis, is a direct measure of the relationship between variables. It can be used to determine the relationship between attributes of an object or group of objects. The returned value (the correlation coefficient) is a real number between -1 and +1.

  • If the returned value is between 0 and +1 (positive correlation), it indicates that an increase in the value of one attribute results in an increase in the value of the other (or vice-versa).
  • If the returned value is between 0 and -1 (negative correlation), it indicates that an increase in the value of one attribute results in a decrease in the value of the other (or vice-versa).
  • A returned value of 0 represents no relationship.

For example, the following expression can be used to check how well cost correlates with price for all objects of Type “tire frame”.

eval expr "'cor attribute[Cost] attribute[Price]' on temp query bus 'tire frame' * *";

Evaluating Expressions

The evaluate expression command makes it possible to evaluate a temporary expression that is not saved. It also allows evaluation of a statistical expression against any collection of business objects that can be defined through various operations of combining, intersecting, or subtracting the collection of business objects from one set, query, temp query, or expand command with/from another.


To evaluate an expression, use the evaluate expression command:

  • EXPRESSION is an expression.
  • ON_ITEM can be any of the following clauses:
    list businessobject SEARCHCRITERIA 
    businessobject TYPE NAME REV
    relationship ID

Expressions can be evaluated against individual objects or against groups of objects. When the on clause is used, the expression will be evaluated as a single-object expression. The on clause can be repeated to get the value for multiple separate objects. For example:

eval expr 'attribute[string-u] + "||" + attribute[color-u]' on
 bus t2 t2-1 0 on bus t2 t2-2 0;

You can also identify a collection of objects for the expression evaluation using the keywords set, query, temp set, temp query, or expand in the SEARCHCRITERIA. When any of these keywords are used, the expression will be evaluated as a collection, and must use one of these collection expressions: Count, sum, maximum, minimum, average, median, standarddeviation, correlation.

If you use a single-object expression and provide a searchcriteria that identifies a collection or vice-versa, there will be no output.

Expressions can be evaluated on these items:

  • Relationships. For more information, see To and From Clauses.
  • A specified business object.
  • A collection of business objects,

The DUMP and recordseparator clauses can occur anywhere in the command, but the EXPRESSIONs must be given before any ON_ITEMs.

This command outputs the result of evaluating each expression for each ON_ITEM one after the other.

  • The dump separator character (a comma, by default) separates each value for a single ON_ITEM.
  • The recordseparator character (a new line, by default) separates the results of one ON_ITEM from the next.

Evaluating Saved Expressions

You can evaluate a saved expression as part of an expression string, or by using the Select Expression clause with print bus or print connection commands. For example:

eval expr ‘count expression[SAVEDEXPRESSION]’ on set myset; 
print bus OBJECTID select expression[SAVEDEXPRESSION]; 
print connection CONNECTID select expression[SAVEDEXPRESSION];

You can also do this in a webreport:

add expression PriceToCost value 'sum ( attribute[price] ) / sum ( attribute[cost] )';
temp webreport searchcriteria 'set Components' data object PriceToCost;

In this last example the expression object is being evaluated against a collection.


SEARCHCRITERIA is defined recursively as one of:

set NAME
query NAME
temp set BO_NAME{,BO_NAME}
query connection [type PATTERN] [vault PATTERN] [owner PATTERN] 
[where WHERE_CLAUSE] [limit N] [includeAdaplet]
 [( {( }]SEARCHCRITERIA [ ){ )}] 

TEMP_QUERY_ITEM is one of:

owner NAME
vault NAME
limit NUMBER

OBJECTID is the Type Name and Revision of the business object.

The values of TEMP_QUERY_ITEM have the same meaning in this context as they have for the temp query command. For more information, see Temporary Query.

EXPAND_ITEM is one of:

relationship PATTERN {,PATTERN}
select businessobject
select relationship
filter PATTERN
view NAME
limit NUMBER
recurse to N [leaf]
recurse to all [leaf]

The values of EXPAND_ITEM have the same meaning in this context as they have for the expand bus command, with a few exceptions:

  • In the case of “select,” it indicates whether a subsequent ‘Where clause’ applies to business objects or to relationships. In expand bus select has an additional meaning that is not applicable here.
  • Leaf can be used with recurse in a SEARCHCRITERIA expand to specify that only “leaf” nodes of the expand should be returned. What counts as a leaf node differs depending on whether “recurse to all” or “recurse to n” is issued. In the “all” case, a leaf node is one that has no children returning from the expand. With a recursion level indicated, a leaf node is one that is at that level.
For more information, see Expand Business Object.

Leaf is not allowed in the expand bus command, but is allowed here.

An “expand” searchcriteria does not make sure that returned objects are unique. That is, any objects that are connected more than once to the object(s) being expanded (or recursed to) will be listed more than once. This affects webreports, eval expression, and other commands using searchcriteria. For example, the following might return a list containing duplicate entries:

MQL<18>eval expres "count TRUE" on ( expand bus t2 t2-1 0 );

To avoid the duplication, you could change the searchcriteria to the following:

temp query * * * over expand bus t2 t2-1 0

The output from evaluating two expressions, E1 and E2, on two sets, A and B, with values V1A, V2A, V1B, and V2B would look like the following (using default separators):



SEARCHCRITERIAs can be linked with binary operators, which follow simple, intuitive rules:

  • and—an object is in both collections
  • or—an object is in one or the other collection
  • less—an object is in the result if it is in the left-hand collection but not the right-hand one.

If there is more than one binary operator in a SEARCHCRITERIA , parentheses must be used to disambiguate the clause. (There is no implied order of operations.) You must include a space before and after each parenthesis. In addition, the number of left and right parentheses must match each other. For example:

( set A + set B ) - set C

would probably evaluate differently than:

set A + ( set B - set C )


This list of examples shows the power of the SEARCHCRITERIA concept.

The following command returns the number of objects in the set Projects:

eval expression "count TRUE" on set Projects;

The same thing could be written as follows (you need to include the spaces around the parentheses):

eval expression "count TRUE" on ( set Projects );

The following command returns the number of objects returned by a query named “ask1” that are not Project 1029 0:

eval expression "count TRUE" on query ask1 less temp set Project 1029 0;

The following command returns the number of Jim’s open Projects that originated before the beginning of this year:

eval expression "count TRUE" on temp query bus Project * * owner Jim where 
"originated < ’1/1/99’ and current == open";

The following command returns the number of open, new Projects that do not belong to Jim:

eval expression "count TRUE" on ( set openprojects AND set newprojects ) 
less temp query bus Project * * owner Jim;

The following command returns the number of Projects that are either owned by Jim or included in the set “Q4 Projects”:

eval expression "count TRUE" on ( temp query bus Projects * * owner Jim ) OR set "Q4 Projects";

Copy Expression

After an expression is defined, you can clone the definition with the copy expression command. This command lets you duplicate defining clauses with the option to change the value of clause arguments.

copy expression SRC_NAME DST_NAME [MOD_ITEM {MOD_ITEM}];
  • SRC_NAME is the name of the expression definition (source) to be copied.
  • DST_NAME is the name of the new definition (destination).
  • MOD_ITEMs are modifications that you can make to the new definition. For more information, see Modify Expression.

Cloning an expression definition requires expression Business Administrator privileges. These can be granted using MQL.

Modify Expression

Use the Modify expression command to add or remove defining clauses and change the value of clause arguments.

 modify expression NAME [MOD_ITEM {MOD_ITEM}];
  • NAME is the name of the expression you want to modify.
  • MOD_ITEM is the type of modification you want to make. Each is specified in a Modify expression clause, as listed in the following command. You only need to specify the fields to be modified.
    Modify Expression Clause Specifies
    name NEW_NAME The current expression name is changed to the new name entered.
    description VALUE The current description value, if any, is set to the value entered.
    icon FILENAME The image is changed to the new image in the file specified.
    hidden The hidden option is changed to specify that the object is hidden.
    not hidden The hidden option is changed to specify that the object is not hidden.
    value VALUE The value is changed to the new value specified.
    property NAME [to ADMINTYPE NAME] [value STRING] The named property is modified.
    add property NAME [to ADMINTYPE NAME] [value STRING] The named property is added.
    remove property NAME [to ADMINTYPE NAME] [value STRING] The named property is removed.

Each modification clause is related to the arguments that define the expression. To change the value of one of the defining clauses or add a new one, use the Modify clause that corresponds to the desired change.

Delete Expression

If an expression is no longer required, you can delete it using the Delete expression command.

delete expression NAME;
  • NAME is the name of the expression to be deleted.

Searches the list of defined expressions. If the name is found, that expression is deleted. If the name is not found, an error message is displayed. For example, to delete the expression named “Used Parts,” enter the following:

delete expression "Used Parts";

After this command is processed, the expression is deleted and you receive an MQL prompt for another command.


The following example combines several of the capabilities available for expressions.

This example shows how to obtain the average number of days spent to move a feature from Open to Test for v7.0 and v7.1 through one MQL command. We divide by (3600 * 24) (the number of seconds in a day) because we want the number of days and the difference of two dates is given in seconds.

evaluate expression "(average (state[Test].actual - 
state[Open].actual) )/ (3600 * 24)"
  on expand Product XYZ v7.0 to relationship Committed, 
Candidate, Proposed type Feature
          where "current == Test or current == Closed"
  on expand Product XYZ v7.1 to relationship Committed, Candidate, Proposed type Feature
          where "current == Test or current == Closed"  dump "|";

The next example calculates the number of Features connected to v7.2 that have been promoted to Test in the past week (and have not been demoted).

evaluate expression "count (( MX_CURRENT_TIME - state[Test].actual ) / (3600 * 24) < 7)"
   on expand XYZ 7.2 to relationship Committed, Candidate, 
Proposed type Feature
          where "current == Test or current == Closed" dump "|";