Use this syntax to issue the inheritancerule
Use this syntax to issue the Add InheritanceRuleUse this add keyword to create an inheritance rule. Add InheritanceRule Syntax
Operateson ClauseThe
If the criteria defined by mod bus TO_BO add ownership bus FROM_BO for <comment> ...; The enorule_<rel_pid>_<tenant_id>_<rule_id>_<rule_item_id>
Appliesto ClauseThe You can define multiple inheritance rules for a relationship type. If that relationship is in a hierarchy, the inheritance rules are inherited in the same was as attributes. You cannot remove an inheritance rule from a relationship if it was inherited (and not defined explicitly on the relationship). Ownership or AccessThe
The add inheritancerule InheritRule ownership item1 from type type1,type2 policy all to type type1 policy policy1 as show,read; This command defines that ownership inheritance with show, read access is added if these criteria are met:
The access is added to the object at the end of the connection specified by the Modify InheritanceRuleAfter an inheritance rule is defined, you can the definition with the Modify Inheritancerule command. This command lets you add or remove defining clauses and change the value of clause arguments. If you modify an inheritance rule, the inheritance defined for any existing business objects is not modified with the change. The ownership or access inheritance for existing business objects is only re-evaluated when the associated connection is removed or rerouted, or if you use the Use this syntax to modify an inheritance rule:
For more information, see MQL Concepts: Access Privilege Definitions. Delete InheritanceRuleUse this syntax to delete an inheritance rule.