- Import Point Cloud
- Imports point cloud data into a manufacturing cell in the PPR context.
- See Importing Point Cloud Data.
Export Point Cloud
- Exports point cloud data into a file.
- Click Export Point Cloud. In the Export Point
Cloud dialog box, enter the format of the data, the location and
file name, the unit, and the axis system to apply the transformation while
exporting. The available axis systems are:
- Absolute, which uses the axis system of the parent
- Current, which uses the current axis system.
Click OK.
Extract Point Cloud
- Extracts a subset of the points in a cloud into a target resource.
- Click Extract Point Cloud. In the Extract
Point Cloud dialog box, select the point cloud representation and
the target resource. In the context toolbar, click the selection method
(Trap or Box). Select the
points. Click OK to confirm the selection and
OK again to extract the points.
Generate Primitives
- You can generate basic primitives like Generative Shape Design (GSD) Point,
Plane, and Axis system from the point cloud. These primitives can be used for
commands like Snap, Measure, or
Insert Existing Product or Resource.
- See Generating a Primitive
- Clean Point Cloud
- Clean unwanted points such as those generated by noise, a bad scan or bad
measure from point cloud data.
- Click Clean Point Cloud. From the context toolbar,
select Draw the Trap, and select points. Select
Inside the Trap, then validate the selection. In the
Selection dialog box, click the selection and
- See Cleaning a Point Cloud.
Move Point Cloud
- You can position or move a selected point cloud while you design your
- Click Move Point Cloud. In the Apply
Transformation panel, enter the position values manually as well
and set the reference as absolute with respect to its parent or according to
current axis. Once you set the values, click OK and the
applied point cloud will reposition accordingly.
- See Moving the Point Cloud