About Drag-and-Drop

In Collaboration for Microsoft for Windows Explorer you can download files from a 3DEXPERIENCE folder to a location in the local computer in Windows Explorer or your desktop, and vice versa, using drag-and-drop.

See Also
Using Drag-and-Drop
Collaboration for Microsoft Windows Explorer Integration Interface

The following table lists the use cases using drag-and-drop:

From To Action

Drag a file from a 3DEXPERIENCE folder

Desktop folder

A copy of the file is created on the desktop

Drag a 3DEXPERIENCE folder


A copy of the 3DEXPERIENCE folder is created on the desktop and the original folder remains intact in 3DEXPERIENCE. You can drag and drop any 3DEXPERIENCE folder to the desktop and the folder structure is created on the desktop with the files inside it. The files are downloaded or checked out to respective directory.

Drag and drop folder from desktop

3DEXPERIENCE root folder and Bookmark Workspace

This creates a workspace in the 3DEXPERIENCE root folder when you drag and drop a folder from desktop to 3DEXPERIENCE. The creation of a workspace is only supported in the 3DEXPERIENCERoot folder.

Drag and drop Objects from Bookmark Workspace folder

Another Bookmark Workspace folder

You can also copy or move objects within Bookmark Workspaces. Copying or moving of folders within Bookmark workspaces is not supported.


Empty Space in 3DEXPERIENCE

  1. If the file does not exist, a new document is created.
  2. If the file exists and checked out, the file is checked in and a new version is created.


On a file

  1. If the file does not exist, then the file is attached.
  2. If the file name is same as one of the file names from 3DEXPERIENCE, then the file is checked in.

The file(s) checked out is (/are) locked depending on the settings in the Local Configuration Object (LCO) of the user trying to check out the files. A message is displayed if the user has no lock access for the file. Checkout supports all file formats.

Drop Zone

You can drop files and folders in the drop zone for creating and updating the documents. You can view following options in the drop zone:

  • New Documents

    If you drop a file(s) or a folder(s) (with or without content) in this drop zone, the files are uploaded as a new document for each file. The folders are created as a bookmark workspace or bookmark folder depending on the current folder location.

  • Existing Documents

    You can drop a file in this drop zone for either creating a new version of an existing file in the document object or adding a new file to the document object. If you drop more than one file to the update drop-zone, each file is processed sequentially.

    You can cancel all update operation for all subsequent files.

    If you drop a file to the update drop-zone, Collaboration for Microsoft attempts to identify the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE document associated with the file. If a 3DEXPERIENCE document is found, the User Interface is displayed with that information. However, if the 3DEXPERIENCE document is not identified, you have to choose the 3DEXPERIENCE document manually from the User Interface that needs to be updated.

    Note: You can drop only file in this drop zone.

  • Move

    You can move documents from one bookmark folder to another using Move. You cannot drop files or folders from a local file system.

  • If you drop a local file in an empty are in the list view, the files are uploaded as a new document for each file in that particular folder. If you drop a folder,it is created as a bookmark workspace or bookmark folder depending on the current folder location.
  • If you drop a file on a folder object in the list view, the files are uploaded as a new document for each file in that particular folder. If you drop a folder, it is created as a bookmark workspace or bookmark folder depending on the folder location on which it is dropped.
  • If you drop a file on a document object in the list view, the files are updated to the destination document object. If the destination document object already contains a file with the same name, a new version of the same file is created or the new file is added to the document object. You can drop only files on a document object.