R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Library Usage for Smart Mechanical ComponentsBenefits: Library usage is made easier.
For more information, see
Smart Mechanical Components and Mold Tooling Design File-based Design Import
Placing Components
Placement of Mold ComponentsBenefits: The placement of Mold Components is easier and quicker.
For more information, see
Component Specification
Place Components
Customizing the Context Toolbar
R2022x GA
Support of Polyhedral GeometryBenefits: The app is more efficient and robust.
Geometry SectionBenefits: They increase the productivity while creating Cooling Circuits.
For more information, see
Converting a Wireframe to a 3D Spline
Creating a 3D Spline
Creating a 3D Polyline
Sample Supplier Mold BaseBenefits: This name better fits the scope of the command, that is the generation of a
Mold Base for training or to initiate a customer-specific template.
For more information, see
Creating a Sample Mold Base from Suppliers Components
Mold Tooling Design FeaturesBenefits: You can use the features as geometrical results, within any role.
Molded Part PublicationsBenefits: The compatibility of Molded Part Publications with
volumes enables you to work with volumes as input.
For more information, see
Defining a Molded Part and Its Publications
Component ImpactsBenefits: The user experience is more productive.
For more information, see
Defining Technological Impacts of a Component on Its Environment
Mold Tooling Design