Creating a Drilled Cooling Circuit

You can proceed as described below to create a Drilled Cooling Circuit.

Note: You first specify the Drilled Cooling Circuit preferences, then create elements from the context toolbar.
  • Show Preferences gives access to default parameter values used when creating an element of the Drilled Cooling Circuit.
  • The Drilled Cooling Circuit preferences are kept through the sessions.
  • Once created, you can select items and edit their values either from the main dialog box, or by double-click. Only the values of the selected items are changed.
  • Default parameter values can be retrieved from a selection (Pick Values).

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Start creating a Cooling Circuit as explained in Creating a Cooling Circuit.

Navigate Through Drilled Cooling Circuit

You can work at several levels in Drilled Cooling Circuit.

  1. Create Cooling Zones.

    One is created as you enter Drilled Cooling Circuit. You can add as many as required.

    See Create Cooling Zones.

  2. Back in the dialog box, go to Drilled Cooling Circuit Preferences and specify the default values used globally.

    See Set the Diameter of the Drilled Cooling Circuits, Select the Type of the Drill Hole and Add a Tap Hole.

  3. In the main panel of the dialog box:
    1. Define the Scope.

      • Whole zone to work on all the Cooling Channels of the current zone (defined by your first pick).
      • Selected to work on Cooling Channels you have selected, possibly from different zones.

    Parameters are displayed according to selection.
  4. Modify the parameters locally.
    1. In case of multiselection, click Apply current parameters to selection.
    2. To edit the value of a parameter defined by a protected formula, clear Respect User Formula and enter a value.

      Edition of the formula is not available.

  5. In the context toolbar, create or edit elements.

    See Use the Context Toolbar.

Create Cooling Zones

You can add several Cooling Zones to the default CoolantMainMachiningBody while creating Drilled Cooling Circuits. This makes working on complex models easier.

  1. Start Drilled Cooling Circuit.
    A CoolantMainMachiningBody is created. It is the initial Cooling Zone.

    A Cooling Zone is made of the following body members:

    • CoolantMainMachiningBody
    • CoolantSFSMachiningBody
    • CoolantMainVisuBody
    • FlowInputBody (only if a sketch has been selected)

    You can edit these names in the feature properties.

    Each Cooling Zone has one Assembly Feature.

  2. In the context toolbar of the Cooling Part, select Add Cooling Zone .
    It is added and made current (Define In Work Object).
  3. Add as many Cooling Zones as required.

    Below is an example with 3 Cooling Zones, the first one is the current one (Define In Work Object).

  4. Select Set Current Cooling Zone in the context toolbar of a body member to make the Cooling Zone current.
  5. Select Remove Cooling Zone in the context toolbar of a CoolantMainMachiningBody to delete it.

Set the Diameter of the Drilled Cooling Circuits

You can specify the diameter of the Drilled Cooling Circuits.

  1. Select Show Preferences .
  2. Set the diameter used at the creation of all Drilled Cooling Circuits.
  3. Select one or several created Cooling Channels. Under Parameters, change the value of their diameter in one shot.

Select the Type of the Drill Hole

You can select the type of Drill Hole to create the Cooling Component Specification and define the corresponding parameters.

  1. Select Show Preferences .
  2. Under Hole Parameters, select the type of Drill Hole.
  3. Set the hole parameters as requested.
    1. Select Respect User Formula to disable the edition of parameters defined by a formula.

    Tip: A graphical help is available.
    Warning: The diameter of a Counterbore or Counterdrilled hole cannot exceed the solid on which it is projected.

    • The Drill Holes are created, with a name corresponding to their type.
    • The created Component Specification is positioned according to the type of Drill Hole, and oriented along the Cooling Channel.
    • For a Drill Hole, the Component Specification is placed at the intersection of the Cooling Channel and the surface of the object.
    • If you add a Tap Hole to the Drill Hole, the Component Specification is positioned to drill all required matter. The thread starts at the junction of the surface.
    • For a Counterbored and Counterdrilled Holes, the Component Specification is at the bottom of the Counterbore.
  4. Double-click a created Drill Hole feature to edit the Drill Hole parameters.

    Note: The Anchor Point of the Counterbored Drill Hole cannot be changed.

Add a Tap Hole

You can add a Tap Hole at the Cooling Component Specification and apply a color to it. This color is transferred to the impacted elements. As it is recognized by manufacturers, this helps specifying up the manufacturing process.

Before you begin: Select the All colors: each color visible in 3D is reported on its corresponding face check box in the Graphic Properties tab of the 3D Shape Infrastructure Preferences before creating the 3D Shape that contains the impacted elements to ensure that the color is transferred to the impacted elements.
  1. Select Show Preferences .
  2. Select the Add Tap Hole check box.
    1. Set the values of the displayed parameters.
    2. Set the Tap Hole color.
    When creating a Cooling Component Specification, a Tap Hole is added at the Cooling Component Specification. This Component Specification is moved when required to ensure a correct positioning of the Tap Hole.
  3. Double-click a given Tap Hole to edit it.
  4. Change the color of a selected Tap Hole from the context toolbar.

Use the Context Toolbar

You can edit Drilled Cooling Circuits from the context toolbar.

  1. Select a Cooling Channel. Click Change Cooling Drill until the status is the required one (drill on left, right, both sides).

    Note: Not available for a Counterbored or Counterdrilled Drill Hole.

  2. Select a Cooling Circuit. Click Change Circuit Color to edit its color.
  3. Select one or several Cooling Channels. Click Cooling Tap Hole Color to edit the color of their holes.
  4. To create Cooling Component Specifications, verify the status of Keep link with selected object.

    • If the check box is selected, the geometry of the selected element is copied as result with link. This copy is updated is the selected face, surface, or solid is modified.
    • If the check box is cleared the Cooling Component Specifications and the holes are isolated from the geometry used to create them.
    • Create all the Cooling Component Specifications before computing the impacts on the Cooling Channels.
    • Deleting a Component Specification removes the Tap Hole and resets the type of the Drill Hole linked to the corresponding Cooling Channel.

    1. Select one or several Cooling Channels.
    2. Click Cooling Component Specifications.
    3. Pick an element.

      • A simple click selects a face.
      • Shift+click selects a surface.
      • Shift+shift+click selects a solid.

  • The Drilled Cooling Circuit is created under the DrilledCoolant node under CoolantMainmachiningBody.
  • The Drill Holes are created and named after their type.
  • The Over Drill parameter is stored as a formula under the hole located in the CoolantMainMachiningBody. It is used as offset in both hole of the CoolantMainMachiningBody and the corresponding CoolantMainVisuBody.
  • An Assembly Feature is created for each Cooling Zone.
  • A Component Specification is created for each Cooling Component Specification under Geometrical Set of Component Specifications.
  • According to the Keep link with selected object status, external references are added to the Cooling Part.