Configuring Feed Reader

You can configure Feed Reader with an RSS feed to display, read, and share its articles.

Note: You can configure Feed Reader with only one RSS feed at a time.

Before you begin: If you are on a dashboard on which you only have Reader rights, pin the widget to a dashboard on which you either have Owner or Contributor rights:
  1. On the widget's splash screen, click Pin to Dashboard.
  2. Select a dashboard and a tab.
  3. Click Add.
See Also
Sharing Feed Reader
Information on How Feed Reader Manages Articles
  1. In the Enter a feed URL field, enter any of the following:
    A 3DSwym RSS feed
    • You must be allowed to access the 3DSwym community of the RSS feed. In other words, you must be a member of the community if it is private or secret. 3DPassport will authenticate you automatically to give Feed Reader access to the feed content (if you have the required rights).
    • The 3DSwym RSS feed and the Feed Reader widget must be both on the same 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
    • If the 3DPassport automatic authentication fails, you will not be prompted to enter your 3DEXPERIENCE ID. You must reload the page and start over the configuration to try again.
    • Because Feed Reader is then associated with your 3DEXPERIENCE ID, users with whom you might want to share this widget, or the dashboard that contains it, will not be able to see any content. You must add these users as members of your dashboard for them to see content.
    • If you are a 3DPassport Administrator, Feed Reader is not allowed to show you content from 3DSwym RSS feeds. Adding such a feed will result in an error.
    A well-formed public RSS feed that is hosted on the internet
    • Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform must have access to the internet to detect and crawl such a feed.
    • The RSS feed you enter must not be password-protected.
    Any website URL
    • Your 3DEXPERIENCE platform must have access to the internet.
    • Feed Reader will automatically detect the website's public RSS feeds. If the website does not have any public RSS feed, Feed Reader displays an error message.
  2. Click Add.

Feed Reader displays the articles of the RSS feed in the most suitable view detected for the RSS feed you entered. Feed Reader regularly and automatically checks the RSS feed and retrieves its new articles, if any.

Note: You cannot make Feed Reader check for new content manually. The Menu > Refresh command that is available from the widget header only refreshes the user interface of the widget; it does not make the widget crawl the RSS feed for new content.