About Pinning, Sharing, and Deleting Corpus Manager Widgets

This page provides information about the content of Corpus Manager widgets when you pin, share, or delete them.

For information on how to pin, share, or delete widgets, see 3DEXPERIENCE | 3DEXPERIENCE Platform | Using Dashboards | Managing Widgets.

This page discusses:

About Pinned Corpus Manager Widgets

You can pin as many Corpus Manager widgets as you want, but all of them, across all your dashboards, always display the same content; that is, all the sources you added to your Corpus Manager and all the Libraries you are a member of, if any.

On synchronized dashboards, Corpus Manager widgets are contextualized: Each dashboard member only sees their own Corpus Manager in the pinned Corpus Manager widgets.

About Shared Corpus Manager Widgets

You can share a Corpus Manager widget to any other user of the platform like any widget. However, the user you shared your widget with only sees the content of their own Corpus Manager; that is, the sources they added to their own Corpus Manager and the Libraries they are a member of, if any.

If you want to share sources with another user of the platform, create a Library and add this user as a member to this Library. For more information, see Create a Library.

About the Deletion of Corpus Manager Widgets

When you delete a Corpus Manager widget from a dashboard, only the widget is deleted; sources are not deleted from your Corpus Manager. For information on how to delete sources from your Corpus Manager, see Deleting a Source.

Important: Corpus Manager is the only Dashboard Intelligence app whose content remains available even after deleting the widget.