Editing the Configuration

You can edit the configuration of a configured Social Analytics widget to modify the query, sources, and period it searches for matching content.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: The widget is configured and pinned to a dashboard on which you are owner or contributor.

Edit the Query

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Query.
  3. Select either of the following:
    Option Description
    All The query is not limited to any keyword. The results will include all the content published by the sources you have selected.
    Define a Query Limits the query to keywords or clauses that will be searched in the content published by the sources you have selected.
  4. If you selected Define a Query, click the Search by query field and do all or any of the following:
    • Enter the keywords or clauses of your choice in the field.
      • Keywords are not case-sensitive and accents are ignored.
      • Only the following special characters are accepted: &, @, %, ©, ®, $, ¥, , £, , ¢, ,, .
      • Any special character not mentioned in the list above is ignored, including !.
    • From the autocompletion list that appears when you click the Search by query field, select Boolean operators and facets.
    • From the list of keywords that appears under the Search by query field field, select one or several keywords.
      Note: These keywords are the most popular terms found in the sources you selected in the previous step.

      The keywords you select are added to the Define a Query field. If you add more than one keyword, an AND Boolean operator is also added with each additional keyword.

      Tip: You can change the Boolean operator to another Boolean operator manually.
    • For more information about the syntax you can use, and the clauses and filters you can enter, see Search Operators and Filters.
  5. Click Apply.
    The Query menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.
  6. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  7. Click Save on the widget.

Edit the Sources

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Sources.
    The Sources menu opens on a list of sources available to you. It is organized in the following sections:
    Section Name Description
    My Corpus

    Shows all the sources you have access to. This section is divided into the following subsections:

    • À My Libraries:

      Shows all the Libraries you are a member of found in your Corpus Manager.

    • 7 Feeds:


      • The Bookmarked articles feed, which contains all the content you or any other user of the platform has ever added an Opinion to with the Opinion Bookmarklet.
      • All the feeds saved to the root of your Corpus Manager.

    • My Communities:

      Shows, in alphabetical order, all the private and secret 3DSwym communities you are a member of, and all the public 3DSwym communities (including the public communities you are not a member of) of the platform.
      • 3DSwym must be enabled on your 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
      • The 3DSwym communities you have unfollowed also appear on this list.
      • 3DSwym community changes (for example, a new community is created) can take up to 4 hours to propagate to Social Analytics.

    Contextualized content When you are editing the widget configuration, shows the Libraries, private, and secret 3DSwym communities you are not a member of that have already been selected as sources.
    • This section only appears when the widget was configured by another user, or when you are no longer a member of a Library, or of a private or secret 3DSwym community you selected in the past.
    • This section is for information purposes only; you cannot clear or select any of its check boxes.
    • Libraries always have a selected check box, meaning that the widget always shows you the content from these Libraries even if you are not a member of these Libraries.
    • 3DSwym communities always have a cleared check box, meaning that the widget hides the content from these communities from you.
    • You can send a request to join any private community by clicking Join . When your request is accepted, the widget shows you the content from this community and moves it from this Contextualized content section to the My Corpus section. For confidentiality reasons, the names of secret communities are always hidden and you cannot send requests to join them from this section.
    • 3DSwym community changes (for example, a new community is created) can take up to 4 hours to propagate to Social Analytics.
    • This section never displays any sources saved to the root of the Corpus Manager of the users who configured this widget.
    Industries LibrariesShows predefined corpora of sources. There is one subsection per industry and each industry is divided into expandable categories.
  3. Select or remove sources by selecting or clearing their check boxes accordingly. Select at least one source.

    • For confidentiality reasons, you will not be able to use this Social Analytics widget with any Potion widget if you select private or secret 3DSwym communities you are not an owner of.
    • If you select feeds saved to the root of your Corpus Manager, the widget will display content from these feeds to you only, including when you are on a synchronized dashboard or when you share this widget with another user.
    • Social Analytics can only retrieve the following types of content from 3DSwym communities: Post.

    To make your selection easier, you can:

    • Select all sources from a section by clicking Select all under the corresponding section name.
    • Select all sources from a subsection by selecting the check box that is next to the subsection name. For example, to select all your Libraries at once, select the My Libraries check box from the My Corpus section.
    • Filter the list of the sources of the My Corpus and Industries Libraries sections by performing the following:
      1. Click under the name of the section you want to filter.
      2. Enter a search word.
      3. Press Enter.
    • Expand Industry Libraries categories by clicking .
    • After having expanded an Industry Library category, you can preview the sources of any of its Industry Libraries by hovering over an Industry Library name and clicking .

  4. Click Apply.
    The Sources menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.
  5. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  6. Click Save on the widget.

Edit the Period

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand side, click Period and define a period as follows:
    1. Select either of the following:
      • Your retention to include in the results all the content published by the sources you selected—regardless of their publishing dates— that are found in the retention of your 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
      • Define a period to limit the search to a period of time or a specific date.
    2. If you selected Define a period, enter dates in the From and to fields.

      Tip: You can click the calendar to select dates.

  3. Click Apply.
    The Apply menu closes and the widget displays a preview list of the matching content.
  4. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  5. Click Save on the widget.

Edit the Filters

Add Filters

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. Optional: From the Filters sidebar, sort filters by relevance or frequency.

  3. Click filter categories to expand them and select as many of their facets as you want.
    The preview list immediately updates.
  4. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  5. Click Apply.
    The filters are saved and added to the query.
  6. Click Save.

Remove Filters

  1. From the widget header, select Menu > Edit.
    The widget enters the Edit mode.
  2. From the left-hand menu, click Query.
  3. Place your cursor in the field and press backspace on the part if the query that is related to the filter you want to remove.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Optional: Open and verify the matching content by clicking any domains or titles from the list.
    The corresponding internet pages open in new windows.
  6. Click Save.