About Opinions

This topic provides information about Opinions.

This page discusses:


Opinions are tags that you can add to Tracked Topic articles and to external content by way of a bookmarklet named Opinion Bookmarklet. You can to then track and analyze these articles and content using Social Analytics and Tracked Topic widgets.

An Opinion is composed of the following two elements:

  • A label that you enter.
  • A sentiment that you select from a predefined list. Each sentiment is associated to a color. The table below lists all existing sentiments and their associated color:
    Sentiment Color
    Opportunity Green
    Strength Orange
    Threat Red
    Weakness Yellow
    None Gray


The image above shows how an article that has Opinions appears in Tracked Topic widgets.

The Opinions display order is based on the date they were added, from the most recent Opinion to the oldest one.

There are four Opinions of the following combinations:

Number Label of the Opinion Sentiment of the Opinion

MyLabel1 Strength

MyLabel1 Opportunity

MyLabel2 Opportunity

MyLabel3 None


Opinions are only available on the Cloud on NETVIBES Dashboard Intelligence widgets that have been added to a dashboard from the Compass.

Opinions are available to users who have been granted a platform role that includes this feature.


Opinions are shared across the platform, meaning that all the Opinions you add are visible to the other users of the platform. Conversely, you can see the Opinions that any other user of the platform has added.

For example, consider that you and User B are on the same Platform.

You create a dashboard (Dashboard A) and configure a Tracked Topic widget. From this Tracked Topic widget, you open an article and add an Opinion to it.

User B also creates a dashboard (Dashboard B) and configures a Tracked Topic widget. This widget displays one or several articles that your widget also displays, including the article you added an Opinion to. When User B opens the article to which you added an Opinion, User B sees your Opinion.


Opinions are a cross-app feature. The table below lists all existing Opinion-related actions and where to find them:

Action App For More Information, see...
Add, edit, and delete Opinions to articles displayed in the dashboard. Tracked Topic. Tracked Topic: Understanding and Using Opinions: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Opinions with Tracked Topic.
Add Opinions to external pages using the Opinion Bookmarklet. The Opinion Bookmarklet is available from the configuration wizard of Tracked Topic and Social Analytics widgets.
Retrieve all the articles that have an Opinion in a single view. Tracked Topic Tracked Topic: Understanding and Using Opinions: Examples of Tracked Topic Configurations that Retrieve Opinions.
Analyze the articles that have an Opinion. Social Analytics Social Analytics: Understanding and Using Opinions: Examples of Social Analytics Configurations that Retrieve Opinions.