About Trimming Ribs or Slots

You can trim ribs or slots. This topic illustrates two different cases of ribs obtained from open profiles, then the use of the Merge rib's ends and Merge Ends options available in the Rib.x and Slot.x dialog box.

The following are discussed:

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Ribs
Creating Slots

Open Profiles Trimmed by Existing Material

Initial Profile (in black) and Center Curve (in red) Resulting Rib

The rib is obtained by extending its open profile onto the existing material.

Open Profiles with No Trimming Material

If the rib cannot be trimmed by existing material, the only way of obtaining a rib is by using the Thick Profile option:

To create this, thickness has been added to each side of the profile.

Merge Rib's Ends

The Merge rib' ends option trims each extremity of the rib to existing material, starting from the profile position until the first limit encountered on existing material in each direction.

In the following example, the blue rib is created using Merge rib's ends. The profile (a red circle) swept along the green center curve is trimmed on each direction to the first faces encountered.

Without using Merge rib's ends Using Merge rib's ends

Merge Ends

The Merge Ends option is to be used for thin ribs (or slots). It trims a set of profiles to themselves while trimming them to existing material too.

If you consider this initial sketch composed of two curves:

You will obtain following results:

Without using the Merge Ends option Using Merge Ends option