Analyzing and Verifying Interference Simulation Results
You can
analyze the results of an interference simulation and verify them.
Before you begin: Create or open an interference simulation. For more information, see Create an Interference Simulation. While
exploring an interference simulation in Classic Finder Experience, advanced filters
are not supported. Thus, the full interference simulation product context gets
From the Interference Analysis
section of the action bar, click Analyze Interference. Alternatively, you can double-click the interference
result in the tree.
The interference simulation result list appears which
is displayed regardless of the opening of other commands. When you hover
over a result, the details of the interference appears in a tooltip.
When the Display Interference icon in 3D area
check box, available at Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative> Global Design Management > Interference Check > Interference Display expander is selected, the following interference
icons appear on the object in the Interference Checkapp:
Represents clashes
Represents contacts
: Represents clearances
When you click the interference icon, the respective interference is
highlighted along with the interference curves.
When you double-click the interference icon the respective
interference appears in the results list.
You can reorder the columns and hide them if required. You can also sort the
columns alphabetically.
Select the required interference from the interference simulation result list.
The 3D geometry is re-framed displaying the interference curves for
clash or contact interferences. The movable
annotation on the selected interference instance for clash or clearance appears.
You can select the
Penetration vector check box to display the
penetration vector and the penetration depth for the clash. For more
information, see Quantifiers.
Interference Icons
If you select Color according to
interference under Interfering
Parts, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative> Global Design Management > Interference Check > Interference Display expander, colors are applied to the interfering parts
depending on their interference type.
By default, colors applied
to the interfering parts are as below:
Red :
Orange :
Green : Clearance
These colors are applied based on the system
status. You can change these colors as required.
If you select the Color according to
interference check box and select several
interference instances, these colors applied to the interfering
parts of the selected interferences according to the interference
between them.
For a feature with several interferences, the
color applied is based on the worst case. For example, if a
feature clashes and is in contact with another feature, it
appears in the color applied to indicate the clash (by default,
red), it is displayed in red to indicate the clash is the worst
If you select several rows, in case of color
overload conflicts, the color displayed for the interfering part is
based on the last selection.
If any of the instances is not loaded, unloaded
from assembly for example, the color overload is not applied to the
interferences with that instance.
If you select the All clash, contacts or clearances for
each interference the intersection curves
corresponding to the clash zones, the contact zones, or the
clearance zones displayed at the same time for the selected metric.
For more information about the display of clashes and clearances
areas, see Geometries.
When connected triangles of a contact zone belong to a clash
interference, no contact zones are displayed. When connected
triangles of a clearance zone belong to a clash or contact
interference, no clearance zones are displayed. For more
information about these preferences, see Geometries.
If you select the check boxes under
Quantifiers, movable annotations appear
for clash and clearance in the selected interference simulation.
Move the slider to adjust the opacity of the objects that are not a part of the
selected metric.
By default, the opacity is 10%. The modified opacity value is persisted.
Applying Full Opacity
Applying Full Transparency
Click to apply full opacity (the opacity value of
3D objects) to non-interfering objects. Click again to apply the previous opacity value.
Click to apply full transparency to
non-interfering objects. Click again to apply the previous opacity value.
When you reopen the interferences using Analyze
interference, previously selected interferences are selected and previously
applied opacity is applied.
You can also specify the transparency value in the
Transparency box under
Interfering Parts, available at Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Social and Collaborative> Global Design Management > Interference Check > Interference Display.
Create a change request for the interference metric.
Select the required values from the User status and the
Analysis status lists based on the analysis of the
selected interference.
You can select several instances and change their analysis status.
The analysis status and the previous
status, based on the selection of the Keep track of not analyzed
status check box is updated as below:
Table 1. Keep Track of Not Analyzed Status Check Box is
Before Updating
After Updating
Before Updating
After Updating
To be analyzed (default status)
To be analyzed
Blank Value
Blank Value
To be reanalyzed
Blank Value
To be reanalyzed
To be reanalyzed
Table 2. Keep Track of Not Analyzed Status Check Box is
Before Updating
After Updating
Before Updating
After Updating
To be analyzed (default status)
To be analyzed
Blank Value
Blank Value
To be reanalyzed
Blank Value
To be reanalyzed
To be Analyzed
Not Analyzed
For more information about Keep track of not analyzed
status check box, see Computation.
Update the interference simulation.
You can right-click any instance in the interference simulation result list
and select Refresh to refresh the update status and
instance names without updating the interference simulation.
Enter a comment in the Description box.
You can also change the contextual name.
Use the App Options panel to do the following:
Apply colors to the instances
Re-frame on the clashing parts or on the interference area
To generate an interference simulation report , right-click the interference simulation result list and
select either of the following:
Export Selected: To export
the selected interferences in the interference simulation result
Export Filtered: To export
the interferences filtered by applying filters on required columns.
To play the Interference Check for Dashboard experience in 3DPlay Web App, from the Compass, click 3DPlay Web App.