Electrical Logical Resources: Available Resources

A resource is a PLM object (for example, a catalog or a business rule) or another type of file (for example, a bitmap or a spreadsheet). In Data Setup, resources are grouped in resource sets. A resource set is a PLM object that implements a single resource table. This topic lists available resources in Electrical Logical Resources.

This page discusses:

Catalog Resources

The following resources require a catalog to be assigned to them.

Note: The definition of this resource is not mandatory.

Logical Name Criteria Description
Favorite Logical Part Catalogs - Defines the favorite catalog. When placing an electrical component from a catalog, the catalog assigned to the Favorite Logical Part Catalogs resource appears in the list of available catalogs.

Chapter Resources

The following resource requires a chapter to be assigned to it.

Note: The definition of this resource is not mandatory.

Logical Name Criteria Description
Favorite Logical Part Chapters - Defines the chapters of logical components. When placing an electrical component from a catalog, the chapter assigned to the Favorite Logical Part Chapters resource appears in the list of available chapters.

Sheet Resources

The following resources require a sheet to be assigned to them.

Note: The definition of these resources is not mandatory.

Logical Name Criteria Description
Cable Ends Properties Cable Type: Select to which type of cable the size properties are assigned. Defines the size of the symbol representing the cable ends.
Cable Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of cable to which the size properties are assigned.
Authorized Gauges for Cables and Cable Groups Cable Type: Enter the type of cable or cable group to be associated with the list of gauge values. Defines a list of possible gauges for cables and cable groups. This list appears in the properties of each cable or cable group.
Cable/Cable Group Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of cable or cable group. When you create a cable with this subtype, the list of gauge values appears in the Gauge box of the cable properties.
Authorized Gauges for Wires Wire Type: Enter the type of wires to be associated with the list of gauge values. Defines a list of possible gauges for wires. This list appears in the properties of each wire.
Wire Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of wire. When you create a wire with this subtype, the list of gauge values appears in the Gauge box of the wire properties.
Over Shield Ends Properties Cable Type: Enter the type of cable associated with the representation. Defines the representation of over shield ends. This symbol can be placed at each cable end.
Cable SubType Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of cable. When you route a cable with this subtype, the over shield symbol is retrieved and placed at each end of the cable.
Busbar Logical Subtype Type: Select to the type of component to be associated with the defined busbar subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for busbars. When creating a busbar, the list assigned to the Busbar Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Cable Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined cable subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for cables. When creating a cable, the list assigned to the Cable Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Cable Group Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined cable group subtypes. defines a list of possible subtypes for cable groups. When creating a cable group, the list assigned to the Cable Group Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Connector Component Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined connector component subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for connector component. When creating an electrical component, the list assigned to the Connector Component Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Connector Port Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined connector port subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for connector ports. When creating a connector port, the list assigned to the Connector Port Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Harness Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined harness subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for harnesses. When creating a harness, the list assigned to the Harness Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Net Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined net subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for nets. When creating a net, the list assigned to the Net Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Net Group Logical Sutype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined net group subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for net groups. When creating a net group, the list assigned to the Net Group Logical Sutype resource appears in the SubType box.
Over Shield Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined over shield subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for over shields. When creating an over shield, the list assigned to the Over Shield Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Pin Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined pin subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for pins. When creating a pin, the list assigned to the Pin Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Wire Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined wire subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for wires. When creating a wire, the list assigned to the Wire Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Wire Shield Logical Subtype Type: Enter the type of component to be associated with the defined wire shield subtypes. Defines a list of possible subtypes for wire shields. When creating a wire shield, the list assigned to the Wire Shield Logical Subtype resource appears in the SubType box.
Pin Name Forbidden Characters - Defines a list of forbidden characters for the pin names. It prevents you for creating or renaming a pin which name contains forbidden character. When creating several pins at once, the forbidden characters are skipped.
Route Spacing Parameters Cable Type: Enter the type of cable for which the defined distance are applied.

This resource defines the distance between the wires of a cable.

The distance is applied to all the wires when you route a cable.

Cable SubType Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with a cable type. When you route a cable with this subtype, the distance is applied between wires.

Business Rules

The following resources require a business rule to be assigned to them.

Note: The definition of these resources is not mandatory.

Logical Name Criteria Description
Get Equipment By-Pass FactType Defines how the signal gets out of the equipment.
Get Equipment Sub-Type and Current FactType Defines how the equipment must be considered: as a fuse, as a charge, as a switch or as a mass.
Get Wire Information FactType Defines the resistivity, length and cross section of the wire.
Modify properties during harness content links (ELE_ModifyAllocationHarness) FactType


Allows the entities' properties to be modified after the creation/deletion of an harness link.
Modify properties during links between net\wires and between net group\cables (ELE_ModifyAllocationNet) FactType


Allows the entities' properties to be modified after the creation/deletion of the links between Net/wires and net group/cables.
Modify properties during links between cable\wires and netgroup\nets (ELE_ModifyGroupConductor)



Allows the entities' properties to be modified after the creation/deletion of the links when a cable/wires or net group/nets are grouped or ungrouped.
Modify properties during links between electrical ports (ELE_ModifyGroupConnector)



Allows the entities' properties to be modified when pins or ports are grouped or ungrouped with a connector port.
Modify relay pin attribute at creation or renaming FactType Defines the name of the pins in a relay.

The value for the FacType criteria must be EleLogicalPin.

Validate harness content links (ELE_ValidateAllocationHarness) FactType Validates the creation/deletion of harness links.
Validate Net/Net Group Association Links (ELE_ValidateAllocationNet) FactType Validates the creation/deletion of a net links.
Validate links reserving pins (ELE_ValidateAllocationPin) FactType Validates the reservation of pins.
Validate links between cable\net and cables\wires or netgroups\nets (ELE_ValidateGroupConductor) FactType Validates the creation/deletion of the links when a cable / net group is grouped or ungrouped with other cables/wires/net groups/nets.
Validate links between electrical ports (ELE_ValidateGroupConnector FactType Validates creation/deletion of the links when pins/ connector ports are grouped or ungrouped with a connector port.
Customize Cables Names FactType Defines the name of a cable and its content.
Rule to compute a port flow (ELE_GenerationGetFlowConnector) FactType Defines the position of the port according to its directions.
Compute Cable Part Number (ELE_ComputeCablePartNumber) FactType Modifies the default behavior on the filters used for the definition of cable part number.
Compute Contact Part Number (ELE_ComputeContactPartNumber) FactType Modifies the default behavior on the filters used for the Select Physical Contact command.

Logical Reference Resources

The following resources require a logical resource to be assigned to them.

Note: The definition of these resources are not mandatory.

Logical Name Criteria Description
Default Texts on Electrical Conductors Conductor Type: Enter the type of conductor to be associated with the text template. Defines a text template for a given electrical route line.

The text template is placed and resolved every time you route an electrical route line for which a text template has been defined.

Select the position of the text on the route:
  • First Extremity: Next to the first end of the route.
  • Second Extremity: Next to the second end of the route.
  • Middle of Route: In the middle of the route.
  • Both Extremities: At both ends of the route.
Conductor SubType Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with an electrical route line. When you route a route line with this subtype, the text template is placed and resolved.
Grouped: Select a value to indicate whether the conductor belongs to one of the following groups: net group, power cable, coax cable, cable, twisted cable, twisted and shielded cable, shielded cables, overshield.
Defeult Branch Representation Type: Enter the type of net or net group associated with the representation. Defines the representation of a net or net group branch.
  • Both criteria can be set to any value. First, we search for the exact type, then the exact subtype.
  • The branch component must have a connection point that will be used to connect the net.
Subtype: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of net or net group.
Default Electrical Components Representation Type: Select to which type of component the symbol representation is assigned.

This resource defines a default symbol representation for electrical components.

When an electrical component is placed in a diagram view, the symbol associated with the Default Electrical Components Representation resource is retrieved and inserted in the diagram view.

Full/Partial: Select one of the following options according the type of symbol to be created:
  • Full: the symbol is a full representation of the component.
  • Partial: the symbol is a partial representation of the component.
  • MonoPin: the symbol is the representation for a mono pin containing only pin.
Plug/Rec: For disconnect, select one of the following options to indicate to which part of a disconnect the symbol is associated:
  • Plug: the symbol is the representation of the plug.
  • Rec: the symbol is the representation of the receptacle.
  • Both: the symbol is the representation of both parts of the disconnect.
Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of component. This symbol is inserted every time a component with this subtype attribute is placed in a diagram view.
Default Cable Ends Representation Cable Type: Enter the type of cable associated with the representation. This resource defines the representation of a cable ends.

This symbol is placed at each cable end when you route the content of a cable.

Number of wires: Enter the number of wires of the cable.
Cable SubType Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with a cable type. When you route a cable with this subtype, the associated symbol is retrieved and placed at each end of the cable.
Default Electrical Harness Representation Type: Select to which type of component the symbol representation is assigned. Defines a default symbol representation for harness components.
Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of harness . This symbol is inserted every time a harness with this subtype attribute is placed in a diagram view.
Default NetGroup Ends Representation Type: Enter the type of net associated with the representation. Defines the representation of a net group end.
Number of Conductors: Enter the number of net in the net group.
Distance: Enter the distance between the end of the symbol and the first and the last net.
Default Over Shield Ends Representation Cable Type: Enter the type of cable associated with the representation. Defines the representation of over shield ends.
Cable SubType Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of cable . When you route a cable with this subtype, the over shield symbol is retrieved and placed at each end of the cable.
Default Pin Symbol Pin Type: Enter the type of components aggregating the pin symbol.
Father Type (Reference): Enter the type of the father reference.
Father Type (Connector Port): Enter the type of the father connector port.
Father Style: Select one of the following options to indicate the style of the connector port:
  • Plug: the connector port belongs to the plug part.
  • Rec: the connector port belongs to the receptacle part.
Default Electrical Connector Port Representation Connector Port Type: Enter the type of components aggregating the connector port symbol. The connector port symbol is retrieved when a connector port is displayed on this particular type of component.

This resource defines a default symbol representation for connector ports.

When a connector port is placed in a diagram view, the symbol associated with the Default Electrical Connector Port Representation resource is retrieved and inserted in the diagram view.

FatherType Reference: Enter the type of the father reference.
Full/Partial: Select one of the following options according the type of symbol to be created:
  • Full: the symbol is a full representation of the component.
  • Partial: the symbol is a partial representation of the component.
  • MonoPin: the symbol is the representation for a mono pin containing only pin.
Connector Port Style: Select one of the following options to indicate the style of the connector port
  • Plug: the connector port belongs to the plug part.
  • Rec: the connector port belongs to the receptacle part.
Connector Port Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute associated with the type of connector port. This symbol is inserted every time a connector port with this subtype attribute is placed in a diagram view.
Father Reference Subtype Attribute: Enter a subtype attribute to be associated to the component aggregating the connector port. This connector port symbol is inserted every time a component with this subtype attribute is placed in a diagram view.