
You can perform a plastic part filling simulation by selecting the material and specifying one or more injection locations.

Setting up a basic plastic injection simulation is simple and straightforward, though you can customize many aspects of the process. After you select the mold part you want to use, do the following:

  1. Choose the plastic injection material you want to use from the database. For more information, see Selecting a Plastic Injection Material.
  2. Optional: If desired, customize the filling time, melt and mold temperatures of the injection material, and the maximum injection pressure of the injection machine you simulate. For more information, see Customizing the Injection Time, Temperatures, and Pressure.
  3. Define one or more injection locations on your part. For more information, see Defining an Injection Location.
  4. Optional: If desired, customize the mesh for the simulation. For more information, see Setting up the Mesh.
  5. Run the simulation in interactive or detached mode. For more information, see Running a Plastic Injection Simulation. When the analysis is complete, the results will display automatically.
  6. When the analysis is complete, the results will display automatically. You can view a series of contour and symbol plot to review the results; for a full list with descriptions of each plot, see Fill Step Results. For more information about other features that enable you to display results more effectively, see Results.