Connecting/Disconnecting Functional/Logical Symbols

In a diagram view, you can connect or disconnect symbols to create a model.

  • A route or connection is always connected between two connection points mapped to ports. If one is missing, the Route or Connect command creates it. For more information, see About Route Between Symbols.
  • These connections are also created in the main view.

This task shows you how to:

Connect Symbols with the Connect Command

You can connect symbols in a diagram view.

Before you begin: Two symbols with ports are instantiated in a diagram view.
  1. From the Layout section of the action bar, click Connect Symbols .
  2. In the diagram view, click one of the following elements:
    • A connection point on the first symbol (1)
    • A symbol (2)

    Note: If the Lock pins multiple representations is selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Electrical Sys. Design > Schematic, the Available Ports for Mapping dialog box only displays pins which are not represented in a drawing. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Schematic.

  3. Do one of the following actions according to your selection in Step 2:

    Action Done in Step 2 Action to be Done Result
    1 Click a connection point on the second symbol. The two symbols are connected. The connection points are linked with a connection.
    2 Select a port in the Port Mapping Available Ports for Mapping.
    2 Click Graphical Connect on the context toolbar and select standalone connection point or component.
    Note: If a component is selected, an unmapped connection point is created at the selected position.
    A graphical connection is created between the connection points created on the first and second components.

    • If the Allow new port creation on component during routing process option is selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > Diagram View, components without port cannot be selected. Only a graphical connection is possible. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Diagram View
    • If one of the symbols is an equipment, the other symbol is always the one to move.

    Note: When two symbols are connected, the second symbol can be rotated so the connection points of the two symbols have opposite directions.

For more information about port and connection point creation during a connection, see About Route Between Symbols.

Connect a Symbol on a Route End

You can connect a symbol on a route end unconnected.

Before you begin: In a diagram view, a symbol with a connection point and a route line with at least one end unconnected are instantiated.
  1. From the Layout section of the action bar, click Connect Symbols .
  2. In the diagram view, do one of the following actions:
    • Click the connection point of the component to be connected.
    • Click the component and select a connection point in the Available Ports for Mapping dialog box.

    Note: If the Lock pins multi representation option is selected in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional & Logical Design > Schematic, the Available Ports for Mapping dialog box only displays pins which are not represented in a drawing. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Schematic.
    Note: If both ends are unconnected, the route end closest to the pointer is selected. The selected end is highlighted with a green circle.

  3. Select the route unconnected end.

    The symbol is connected to the route end.

Disconnect Symbols

You can disconnect symbols in a diagram view.

  1. From the Layout section of the action bar, click Disconnect Symbols .
  2. Select a connected symbol you want to disconnect.

    Note: All the available connection points are highlighted.

    Tip: If you select a symbol connected to several components, you can disconnect its connections all at once by clicking Disconnect All on the context toolbar.

    The two symbols are disconnected but they remain at the same position.

Disconnect Symbols from a Route

You can disconnect a symbol from a route.

Before you begin: In a diagram view,
  • Instantiate a symbol with a connection point
  • Instantiate a route line with at least one end connected to a symbol.
  1. From the Layout section of the action bar, click Disconnect Symbols .
    The command is active.
  2. Select the route line.

    Note: If both ends are connected, the route end closest to the pointer is disconnected. The selected end is highlighted by a red circle.

    Note: If you want to disconnect all the routes connected to the symbol, click the symbol and on the context toolbar, select Disconnect All .

    The symbol is disconnected from the route.