Validation options are accessible on variant thumbnails, letting you mark variants as
favorites, as well as approve or reject them. You can filter out variants according to their
validation status.
Before you begin: Validation options are available on variant thumbnails, but they
are not visible by default. Use the flyout in the Perception Experience
or in the Presentation section of the action bar to
choose how to display validation options on variant thumbnails:
Show Never:
Hides validation options at all times.
Show when Hovering Over: Displays validation options only when you hover over a variant's
Show Always:
Keeps validation options visible on variant thumbnails at all times.
To mark a variant as favorite, as well as approve or reject it, click the appropriate
validation option on the variant's thumbnail.
Marks the variant as favorite . Favorite variants can also be marked as either approved or rejected.
Approves the variant .
Approved variants can also be marked as favorites.
Rejects the variant .
Rejected variants can also be marked as favorites.
In the Perception Experience or in the
Presentation section of the action bar,
use the flyout to filter out variants depending on their validation status:
Show All
Displays all variants, regardless of their validation status.
Show Only Favorites
Displays only variants that have been marked as favorite.
Show Only Approved
Displays only variants that have been approved.
Show Only Rejected
Displays only variants that have been rejected.
Hide Rejected
Hides variants that have been rejected.
Apply Customized Filters
Displays variants according to the filters customized using Customize
Customize Filters
Lets you combines the filters to apply: favorites, approved, rejected, and
unflagged (that is, all those variants that are not favorites, not approved, and not
You cannot clear all filters at the same time.
Optional: When playing the experience in desktop mode, you can mark all
active variants as favorites. To do so, in the Presentation section
of the action bar,
click Mark All Active Variants as Favorites. For more information, see Playing the Experience in Desktop Mode.
A variant is active when its thumbnail has a blue frame.