Collaboration and Approvals
Configure checkin and checkout using properties and URL parameters.
| Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: Common Document Model |
Determine vaulting strategy and set up company
vaults using MQL.
Concepts: Building the System Basics |
Add companies, assign vaults, and add at least one administrative user per company using Collaboration and Approvals.
| Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: Configuring People and Organizations |
Collaborative Services
| Install third party apps and products, such as search engines and 2D and 3D viewer software and
connectors. |
Documentation for the third-party software and 3DEXPERIENCE Open apps.
Register viewers, define formats, and set up viewer preference choices.
Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: Configuring BPS Functions: Setting Up 2D and 3D Viewers |
Project Management | Install or upgrade Project Management and these required apps in any order:
- Collaborative Tasks
- Project Management
Whenever you install a 3DSpace or Collaboration and Approvals HF
release, and you are running the Project Management GA release, you
should also update the Project Management app to its latest HF.
| Follow this navigation in the User Assistance: Installation and
Setup: Install: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
Services: Installing 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Services One-by-One: Web Apps
Installation: Installing and Upgrading Web Apps |
If upgrading, migrate the required data. | See Migration > Data Migration in the
Program Directory. |
Configure Project Management to reflect your business processes. |
If Required, customize Project Management to reflect your business processes. |
Some Project Management properties are also configurable through the
3DSpace Control Center. See the 3DSpace: Collaborative Space Control
If required, configure Product Line Management to reflect your business processes. | Configuring Product Line Management |
If Required, configure triggers for Project Management to reflect your business processes:
- Turn off triggers that you do not want.
- Change parameters passed to trigger programs, as required.
Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: Activating and Deactivating Triggers and Studio Modeling
Customization Guide: Triggers Note:
Some triggers are also
configurable through the 3DSpace Control Center. See the 3DSpace:
Collaborative Space Control Center
If required, change the on-screen text for Project Management, including internationalized text. | Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: Changing Onscreen Text Collaboration and
Approvals Administration Guide: About Internationalizing |