Risk Properties Page

If you have access to view a project, you can view information about a risk for the project or for one of the project's scheduled tasks.

This page discusses:


To access this page:

  1. View the list of risks for a project. See Risks and Risk Factors Page.
  2. Click the Name of the required risk.

This topic describes:

Field Name Description
Context Item The context item associated with the risk.

The policy that governs the risk's lifecycle.

Title The title entered by the risk owner.
Description A description of the risk.
Visibility Public indicates that anyone who can view the project can view the risk. Restricted indicates that only the risk owner, assignees, project owner, and Project Leads can view the risk.
Slip Days Shows the number of days that have past since the estimated completion date. If the estimated finish date has not yet arrived, the number is 0.
Estimated Start Date The date the owner estimates the risk assignee will begin to resolve the issue.
Estimated Finish Date The date the owner estimates the risk assignee will finish the resolution.
Actual Start Date

The date an assignee begins work on the risk. The system fills in the current date automatically when the owner or assignee promotes the risk to Active. Alternatively, the owner or an assignee can manually enter or edit the date.

Actual Finish Date

The date the assignee completes the risk. The system fills in the current date automatically when the owner or assignee promotes the risk to Complete. Alternatively, the owner or assignee can manually enter or edit the date.

Type of Risk The area the risk relates to: Cost, Quality, Technical, Resource, Performance, Schedule, Benefits, Manufacturability, Other.
Risk Action Plan The risk action plan. Values are Unassigned, Avoid, Assume, Control, or Transfer.
Measure of Success A way to determine if the risk has been avoided.
Abatement Plan An alternative plan to continue the project or task if the risk is not avoided.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Edit Details Edits the properties of the risk. Editing Risk Properties