Editing Risk Properties

The basic information for a risk includes the title, owner, estimated start and finish dates, type, and visibility. Editing of specific information is based on role: risk owner, assignees or Project Lead.

People with edit access for risks can edit the start and finish dates for multiple risks using the Edit Risks link on the Risks page. See Editing Risk Dates and Risk Factor Values.

Before you begin: Access the navigation pane and Basic Information page for the risk. See Risk Properties Page.
  1. From the Basic Information page for the risk, click Edit Details.
  2. Edit any of these fields as needed:

    Owner. The person responsible for making sure the risk gets mitigated. To assign ownership to another person, click and search for the person. Risk Assignees cannot change the owner.

    Policy. To change the policy, choose an option from the drop-down list.

    Title. The name for the risk.

    Description. A brief description of the risk.


    • Public. Anyone who can view the project can view the risk.
    • Restricted. The risk owner, assignees, project owner, and Project Leads can view the risk.

    Estimated Start Date. A guideline of when the risk owner expects the risk assignee to begin to resolve the issue. Click to select a different date.

    Estimated Finish Date. A guideline of when the risk owner expects the risk assignee to complete and resolve the issue. Click to select a different date.

    Type of Risk. To change the type, select an option from the pull-down list: Cost, Quality, Technical, Resource, Performance, Schedule, Benefits, Manufacturability, Other.

    Measure of Success. A clear way to determine if risk has been avoided.

    Abatement Plan. The abatement plan.

  3. Click Done.