Audit Reports

The Audit Reports page lists the audit reports associated with an audit, and when you expand a report, it lists the reference documents and files associated with the documents.

Required Access Roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader
  • App-Specific: Audit Lead, Audit Administrator

Ensure that the LQIAudit.EnableFindingStatusFunctionality property is specify to Yes to view the Audit Report category. For more information, see Configuring Audit Finding Status.

To access this page:

  • Open the required audit. For more information, see Opening an Audit.
  • In the navigation pane, click the Audit Report.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Audit Report Summary


Column Name Description
Name The auto-generated audit report name assigned by the system. Also when you expand the report, the name of reference document and its file is displayed.
Type Type of the object.
Title The title of the audit report, reference document, and file.
Revision The revision sequence of the report, reference document, and file.
Version The version of the files associated in the documents.
Actions The options to subscribe, upload, and download the files.
Description Additional information about the object.
State The current lifecycle state of the object.
Owner Owner of the audit report.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Actions Description
Delete Deletes the selected reports.
Official Report Generates an official report that consists the validated findings, finding statuses that are in the Closed state, and replies that are in the Complete state of the context audit.
Draft Report Generates a draft report that consists the all the findings, finding statuses, and replies present in the context audit.