Summary |
Objectives |
The objective of the audit. |
Name |
The name of the audit. |
Revision |
The revision sequence of the audit. |
Planned Start Date |
The date on which the audit is planned to start. |
Planned End Date |
The date on which the audit is planned to end. |
Actual Start Date |
The date on which the audit is actual started. |
Actual End Date |
The date on which the audit is actual ended. |
Scope |
The selected scope of the audit. |
Audited Organization |
The name of the organization for which the audit has
created. |
Persons |
Lead Auditor |
The name of the lead auditor. |
Auditors |
The name of the auditor. |
Auditees |
The name of the auditees. |
Findings -Lists all the validated
findings, finding statuses, and replies for the official report. It also lists all
the findings, finding statuses, and replies for the draft report. |
Name |
The name of the finding. |
Finding Status |
The description of the latest finding status that is
associated with the context finding. |
Regulatory Responsible Reply |
The description of the latest reply that is associated with
the context finding status. |
Status |
The current status of the finding status. |
Audited Items |
Name |
The name of the audited item. |
Type |
Type of the object. |
Revision |
The revision sequence of the audited item. |
Description |
The description of the audited item. |
Reference Documents |
Name |
The name of the document. |
Revision |
The revision sequence of the document. |
Title |
The title of the document. |