About the Tessellation Segmentation Scope

Tessellation Segmentation lets you recognize areas on a tessellation, that is, a tessellated mesh, either automatically or manually, and create a BRep from the resulting area.

See Also
Methodology for Tessellation Segmentation
Recognizing Areas by Tessellation Segmentation

Tessellation Segmentation aims at rebuilding a BRep from a mono-cell tessellation mesh (that is, a visualization or procedural mesh), that represents a mechanical shape with canonical shapes such as planes, cylinders, cones, spheres, tori, and few free shapes.

Note: Assemblies are processed part by part.

Tessellation Segmentation proposes two modes:

  • Automatic
  • Manual (when only a partial reconstruction is required), where you process well-defined areas as shown below.

As the quality of the generated BRep depends directly on the quality and precision of the input tessellation, verify that:

  • The tessellation is a tessellated mesh, not a digit mesh:
    • This tessellated mesh is valid

    • This digit mesh is not valid

  • The tessellation is the output of a CAD modeling, relying on a parametric definition:
    • This tessellation is valid

    • This tessellation is not valid

  • The chord error of the tessellation must be small enough for the tessellation to be true to the part, especially in the connection areas, or in areas with a small radius.
    • This tessellation is valid

    • This tessellation is not valid

  • There are no free edges: further edition in Natural Shape requires that you generate a solid. Although the absence of free edges does not guarantee a solid can be generated (the quality and precision of the tessellation have a major impact on this capability), it is a condition to generate one.
  • The tessellation is clean (without non-manifold elements, duplicated triangles, corrupted triangles, too thin triangles,...). A thorough control of the tessellation quality is required.
Note: When you select it, the tessellation is analyzed. If problems are found, that prevent the segmentation, the result of the analysis is displayed to help you solve the problems.