Workflow to Retrieve Electrical Data

You can create a report to retrieve electrical data. The following scenario shows how you can retrieve the logical cables from wires.

Note: In the following scenario, the variable default names are kept. It is recommended to customize these names to clarify the report template.

Before you begin: In Electrical Systems Design:
  • Create a logical reference.
  • Under the logical reference, create a cable.
  • Under the cable, create two wires and one wire shield.
  • In the attributes of the wires and wire shield, enter a value in the Length field.
See Also
About Workflow Overview
  1. From the Structure tab, to display the wires and the cable under which they are aggregated:
    1. Drag Table in the graphical area.
    2. Drag Header Cell to the table to create two more cells.
    3. In the first cell, drag Text and enter Wire.
    4. In the second cell, drag Text and enter Wire Shield.
    5. In the third cell, drag Text and enter Cable.
    6. In the fourth cell, drag Text and enter Length.
  2. To define a report template for electrical data:
    1. From the Properties tab, in the Parameters area, click New.
    2. Optional: In the Name field, enter Logical Reference.

      The input parameter type for this method is Logical Reference. By default, the name of the created input parameter is p.

      Note: This parameter can be renamed as well as for all iteration variables. For more information, see Renaming Template Elements.

    3. From the Type list, select Logical Reference.
  3. To access the electrical data:
    1. From the Data tab, expand the following variables and categories.
    2. Drag the methods to the graphical area.
    Variable and Type Category Method Graphical Area
    Logical Reference (p) Extensions Get All Sub-Components Empty space.
    RFLVPMLogicalInstance (rel) Types As EleLogicalInstanceEntity Loop on Get All Sub-Component of Logical Reference: rel
    EleLogicalInstanceEntity (rel2) Types As EleLogicalRoutableInst Loop on As EleLogicalInstanceEntity of rel: rel2
    EleLogicalRoutableInst (rel3) Types As EleLogicalConductorInst Loop on As EleLogicalRoutableInst of rel2: rel3
    EleLogicalConductorInst (rel4) Electrical Get Cable Loop on As EleLogicalConductorInst of rel3: rel4
  4. To retrieve the logical cable from a wire:
    1. From the Structure tab, drag Table to Loop on As EleLogicalConductorInst of rel3: rel4.
    2. From the Data tab, expand the following variables and categories.
    3. Drag the method to the graphical area.
    Variable and Types Category Method Graphical Area
    EleLogicalConductorInst (rel4) Types As EleLogicalWireInst First cell of the row in the table, in Loop on Get Cable of rel4: rel5.
    EleLogicalConductorInst (rel4) Types As EleLogicalWireShieldInst Second cell of the row in the table, in Loop on Get Cable of rel4: rel5.
  5. To display the electrical values:
    1. From the Structure tab, drag Header Cell twice to the table to create two more cells.
    2. From the Data tab, expand the following variables and categories.
    3. Drag the method to the graphical area.
    Variable and Types Category Method Graphical Area
    EleLogicalConductorInst (rel4) Attributes V Elec UserLength Fourth cell of the row in the table, in Loop on Get Cable of rel4: rel5.
    rel5: EleLogicalConductorInst Attributes Name Third cell of the row in the table, in Loop on Get Cable of rel4: rel5.
    rel6: EleLogicalWireInst Attributes Name Loop on As EleLogicalWireInst of rel4: rel6
    rel7: EleLogicalWireShieldInst Attributes Name Loop on As EleLogicalWireShieldInst of rel4: rel7

In this example, the template is defined to display:

  • The name of the instance for the wires and the wire shield.
  • The name of the cable under which the wires and the wire shield are stored.
  • The length of the wires and wire shield.

You can visualize the report file to be generated. For more information, see Previewing a Report.