Specifications Page

A requirement can be associated with one or more specifications.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

To access this page from a requirement, do the following:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Related Objects.
  2. Select the Specifications tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Description
Name The name of the specification associated with the requirement. This can be an autoname. Click the name to open the specification.
(Lock State) Indicates whether the specification document is locked by another user. The first number indicates the number of locked documents. The second number indicates the total number of specification documents.
(Route) indicates that there is a route associated with one of the transitions in the specification lifecycle.
TitleThe specification's short descriptive title.
RevThe revision of the specification associated with the requirement.
VerThe version of the specification associated with the requirement.
TypeThe type of object.
ActionsThe actions available for the specification documents:

Subscribe to the specification or document to be notified of changes.
Download a specification document.
Check out a specification document for editing. Only available for unreleased documents.
Check in a document to the specification. Only available for unreleased documents.

DescriptionThe detailed description of the specification.
StateThe current lifecycle state of the feature.

Actions Menu/Toolbar Commands

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Create Requirement SpecificationCreates a new specification and adds the requirement to its structure.Creating a Specification
Insert Existing Links an existing specification to the requirement.<Inserting an Existing Specification>
Download Downloads the specification document.Downloading Reference Documents
Checkout Downloads and checks out the specification document.Checking Out Reference Documents

Contextual Menu for Specifications

Right-click on any specification in the list to access the available contextual commands.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Action Description
Duplicate Copies the contents of the selected specification to create a new specification.
Attributes Shows the property attributes of the specification.
Lifecycle Shows the Lifecycle, Tasks/Signatures, and Approvals tabs of the specification in a new window.
Add to Collection > Add to Clipboard Adds the selected specification to your clipboard.
Add to Collection > New/Add to Collections Adds the selected specification to a new or existing collection.
Delete Removes all selected specifications from the list and deletes them from the database. Select OK to confirm.
Note: You cannot delete a specification that includes objects locked by another user.