Sub Use Cases Page

The Sub Use Cases page shows all sub use cases associated with a use case.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader, Author, or Leader

To access this page:

  1. Open a use case. See Opening a Use Case.
  2. From the navigation pane, click Sub Use Cases.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Description
Name The name of the sub use case. Click the Name of a sub use case to view the Properties page. See Use Case Properties Page.
(Active Engineering Change) Indicates that an active engineering change is associated with the sub use case.
RevisionThe revision level of the sub use case.
StateThe current state of the sub use case in its lifecycle.
DescriptionThe description of the sub use case.
OriginatorThe person who created the sub use case.
OwnerThe person who is currently assigned responsibility for the sub use case.
(Quick file access) Indicates that files are checked into or connected to the sub use case. Click the icon to open the sub use case's Files page.
Opens the sub use case's Properties page in a new window. See Use Case Properties Page.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

Action Description
Insert New Creates a new sub use case from scratch.
Insert Existing You can add an existing sub use case to the list. The Search page opens, where you can define criteria to search for objects that currently exist in the database.
Change > Change Request > Add to Existing Adds the selected use cases to an existing change request.
Change > Change Request > Add to New Creates a new change request and adds the selected use cases to it.
Change > Change Order > Add to Existing Adds the selected use cases to an existing change order.
Change > Change Order > Add to New Creates a new change order and adds the selected use cases to it.
Change > Change Action > Add to Existing Adds the selected use cases to an existing change order.
Change > Change Action > Add to New Creates a new change order and adds the selected use cases to it.
Change > Mass Release Releases all selected use cases. Selected use cases must be in a state prior to "Released" and cannot be connected to an incomplete change action. The Create Change Order page opens where you can create a change order to govern the mass change. You must use the "Fast track Change" policy.
Change > Mass Obsolete Makes all selected use cases obsolete. Selected use cases must be in the "Released" state and cannot be connected to an incomplete change action. The Create Change Order page opens where you can create a change order to govern the mass change. You must use the "Fast track Change" policy.
Replace by New Revision Creates a new revision of the sub use case.
Replace by Last Revision Links the latest revision of the sub use case.
Delete Removes all checked sub use cases from the list and deletes them from the database. Select OK to confirm. You can only delete a sub use case if you have delete access and the sub use case has no other related objects.
Detach from Structure Removes the relationship between all checked sub use cases and the parent object. It does not delete the sub use cases from the database.