Controlling Lifecycle States

You can change the lifecycle state of one or more specifications or related objects (requirements, comments, or chapters) at the same time. If you want to mass promote or demote specifications or related objects, all of the objects must be in the same lifecycle states and you must be promoting or demoting them to the same lifecycle states. Mass Promote moves the selected specifications or objects to their next lifecycle states. Mass Demote reverts the lifecycles of the selected specifications or objects to their previous states. You must have either the Owner or object owner to use the Mass Promote and Mass Demote actions.

This task shows you how to:

Mass Promote or Demote Specifications

  1. View the list of specifications. See Requirement Specifications Page.
  2. Select the specifications that you want to promote or demote at the same time.
  3. In the page toolbar, click (Mass Promote) or (Mass Demote).

    If the action influences more than one specification, an error report indicates the success or failure and the number of items involved.

  4. Click Close.

    The Status column for the select specifications are updated.

Mass Promote or Demote Specification Objects

  1. Open the specification. See Specification Detail Page.
  2. Select the specification objects (requirements, comments, or chapters) that you want to promote or demote at the same time.
  3. In the page toolbar, click (Mass Promote) or (Mass Demote).

    An error report indicates the success or failure of the action for all of the selected objects.

  4. Click Close.

    The Status column for the select objects are updated.