Running the Requirement-Test Case Traceability Report

The Requirement-Test Case traceability report verifies, via test validation status, whether a product definition meets the requirements. This report ensures all the input requirements have associated test coverage and a status of the test validation. You can run these reports from a requirement, a specification, or a specification list.

Required responsibilities:

  • Baseline: Leader (when the object is in the Frozen state) or Author

  1. Access the Requirement-Test Case traceability report by doing one of the following:
    • To access the report from the specifications or requirements list:
      1. Select the specification or requirement in the list.
      2. From the Actions menu, select Traceability Report > Req-Test Case.
    • To access the report from a specification or requirement:
      1. View the requirement or specification from which you want to run the report. See Opening a Requirement or Opening a Specification.
      2. From the navigation pane, select Traceability.
      3. Select the Req-Test Case page tab.
  2. In the Req-Test Case page tab, select Requirement-Test Case Validation.

    The Requirement-Test Case Validation report contains the following information:

    Column NameDescription
    NameThe name of the requirement. Click the name to view the requirement's properties.
    TitleThe descriptive identifier for the requirement.
    RevisionThe revision identifier for the requirement.
    Test Case NameThe name of the test case. Click the name to view the test case's properties.
    RevisionThe revision identifier for the test case.
    Validation Status
    OwnerThe person who owns the test case.
    Link StatusThe validation status of the test case:
    • Green: Validation passed
    • Yellow: Not validated
    • Red: Validation failed
    NotesAny notes about the test case.