Setting up the ENOVIA V6 - 3DEXPERIENCE Connector

This section details the setup for the OnePart Connector for ENOVIA V6 / 3DEXPERIENCE. You can find the complete PDF documentation in the doc folder of this connector zip file,

This task shows you how to:



Before starting you need to know:

  • STUDIO_HOME : the installation directory of ENOVIA StudioModelingPlatformRichClient.
  • ONEPART_BASE_URL : the running version of OnePart located at, ie, http://onepart-server-paris:10000
  • ONEPART_INSTALLDIR : the root directory where OnePart was installed.
  • CLOUDVIEW_ADMIN_URL : the Exalead CloudView Administration Console located at http://ONEPART_BASE_URL+1/admin.
  • DSLS_CONFIG : the path to the file which contains the addresses of the licence servers. The content of the file can only have one address per line.
  • ENOVIA_VERSION : possible values: 2013x - 2022xdepending on the version you want to index.

Deploy the ENOVIA V6 connector

A license is required for all this connector. You can deploy the connector for OnePart as follows.

Deploy connector plugins

The connector plugins are deployed during the OnePart installation. If required, you can deploy as follows. However, a license is required for all the PDM connectors.

  1. Open the Exalead CloudView Administration Console at http://CLOUDVIEW_ADMIN_URL/
  2. Log in with the Login / Password: app-admin / exalead
  3. Go to Plugins.
  4. Unzip the connector package and drag the plugins into the dedicated zone or use the Upload plugin button for:

Deploy the configuration file

You must deploy the configuration file as follows.

  1. Copy the file named 3DXPBasic-ENOVIA_VERSION.xml delivered in the connector archive to ONEPART_INSTALLDIR\datadir\config
    For example, for ENOVIA V6R2021x use the file named 3DXPBasic-2021x.xml
  2. In the Administration Console, click Restart CloudView on this host.

Configure the ENOVIA V6 Connector

After restart, you must create an instance of the new ENOVIA V6 Connector and configure as follows in the Exalead CloudView Administration Console.

  1. Go to Connectors and click Add connector.
  2. Create a connector with the name 3DXP:
    1. Select Creation mode: new
    2. Select Type: ENOVIA V6
    3. Click Accept.
  3. In the Connectivity, set the following:
    1. Web app URL: set your ENOVIA URL:
    2. Use local context: select this option; the connection will be made using ENOVIA Studio Modeling Platform
    3. User: set ENOVIA system user (for example, VPLMAdminUser)
    4. Password: the password for this user
    5. XML configuration file: data:///config/3DXPBasic-ENOVIA_VERSION.xml
      For example, for R2019x the value should be data:///config/3DXPBasic-2019x.xml
  4. Validate the connectivity between the Connector and your source by clicking on Check connectivity; a green message displays if everything is fine.
  5. In Indexing, keep the default option settings except for: 
    1. Enable Index business objects
    2. Enable Index files
    3. Disable Index security

  6. Add a File handlers by expanding the section and clicking on Add item.
    1. Select Stream Format filter in Component class name.
    2. Add a Condition:
      Set v6r<ENOVIA_VERSION>_rep_reference for the Data model class
      For example, for ENOVIA 2019x the Data model class is v6r2019x_rep_reference)
    3. Set master for Part name
    4. Set 1 for Stream name
    5. Add the following Stream types: CATPart , cgr
  7. In Advanced > SDC, select Disable automatic SDC push.
  8. In Advanced > Fetch config, deselect Legacy fetch mode.
  9. Click Save at the top of the screen.

Configuring the ENOVIA Local Context with the Administration Console

The procedure below adds:

  • the MATRIXHOME, DSLS_CONFIG and GALAXYHOME with the intended values to the connectors, searchserver and gateway sections of the DeploymentInternal file;
  • it then copies the ENOVIA jars to the javabin folder. Under windows, if the jar files are already present, it emits a warning and does nothing. To manually copy the jars, see Deploy the ENOVIA connectivity java libs
Note: To index R2017x and higher, you must copy a different FcsServer.jar to <ONEPART_INSTALLDIR>\datadir\javabin

This file is located on the ENOVIA server at:

  • linux_a64/docs/javaserver/FcsServer.jar
  • win_b64\docs\javaserever\FcsServer.jar


You can configure the ENOVIA Local context either by:

  • using the More actions button in the Exalead CloudView Administration Console, or

  1. Open the CloudView Administration Console at http://CLOUDVIEW_ADMIN_URL/
  2. Click the 3DXP connector from the Connectors list.
  3. Click on the Operation tab and then click More actions.
  4. In the Bind CloudView to Matrix installation section:
    1. Matrix home: enter the folder of the STUDIO_HOME where the MATRIX-R file is located
    2. DSLS config: enter the path (DSLS_CONFIG) to the file that contains the addresses to the license servers
  5. Click Run.
  6. Restart CloudView from the home page.
  7. Click Check Connectivity.

A green message will be displayed at the top of the window saying "Connectivity is OK". This step may take 1 or 2 minute to run.

Targeting the Consolidation server

Add a connector targeting the consolidation server as follows.

Note: The OnePartPAPIFilters connector contains PAPI Filters that are required for any connector deployed in OnePart. Any connector deployed without these PAPI Filters will not be supported.

  1. Open the Exalead CloudView Administration Console at http://CLOUDVIEW_ADMIN_URL/
  2. Click the 3DXP connector from the Connectors list.
  3. In Deployment > Push to PAPI server, select consolidation server cs_onepart
  4. In Configuration > PushAPI filters, click Add item to configure:
    1. PushAPI filter type: Push API Filters Runner
    2. Push API filters config key: PushApiFilters (default)
    3. Use Push API filter from connector: OnePartPAPIFilters
    4. Enable this PushAPI filter: yes
  5. Click Apply to save and deploy your connector configuration.

Keeping CGR for Consolidation

Prevent OPPartsCleaner PAPI filter from cleaning cgr.

  1. Open the Exalead CloudView Administration Console at http://CLOUDVIEW_ADMIN_URL/
  2. Click the OnePartPAPIFilters from the Connectors list.
  3. Expand PushAPI filters.
  4. Go to item OPPartsCleaner.
  5. Expand Kept part names.
  6. Add item with value cgr.
  7. Click Apply to save and deploy the connector configuration.

Installing the ENOVIA SSL certificate

It sometimes occurs that the FCS is actually using SSL, therefore the SSL certificate of the FCS must be installed. To retrieve the Server Certificate in a browser, for example, in Firefox:

  1. Connect to your 3DDashboard.
  2. Click on the lock icon in your browser.
  3. Click on More Information.
  4. Click on View Certificate.
  5. Go to Details tab and click Export.
  6. To import it into OnePart, run on the command line as administrator: <ONEPART_INSTALLDIR>\amd64-win64\java-jre\bin\keytool.exe -importcert -file <The certificate> -alias passport -keystore <ONEPART_INSTALLDIR>\datadir\security\trusted.servers.ks

Advanced Users - Configure the ENOVIA Local Context

You can configure the context by editing the XML files as follows. However, we recommend that you use Administration Console - see Configuring the ENOVIA Local Context with the Administration Console

  1. Open the Exalead CloudView API Console at http://ONEPART_BASE_URL+1/api-ui
    1. Log in with the administrator’s Login / Password: admin / exalead (by default)
  2. Click Manage > Configuration > setCloudviewDeploymentInternalConfig to add the environment variables to the DeploymentInternal.xml.
  3. Edit section with name="connectors.*"
  4. Add the following env variables in envOverride section:
    • GALAXYHOME: value STUDIO_HOME\win_b64\code\bin
    • TNS_ADMIN: value the path of the directory that contains tnsnames.ora file; this variable is not required if you are not referencing tnsnames.ora entries in your MATRIX-R file
    • DSLS_CONFIG: value the path to the DSLicSrv.txt file
  5. Add the following values to the PATH variable in envAppend section: STUDIO_HOME\win_b64\code\bin;STUDIO_HOME\win_b64\code\lib

    Note: This separator is ";" and not ":"

  6. Below is a sample configuration. Please copy only the sections in BOLD into the CloudView API Console.
  7. Once your variables are set, click Save and then click Apply.

Code example

<ProcessInternalConfig xmlns="exa:exa.bee.deploy.v10" name="connectors.*" runtime="java" 
httpMinThreads="5" httpMaxThreads="500" httpMaxStopTime="100" httpMaxGETQuerySize="32768" 
httpMaxFormPOSTQuerySize="10000000" httpMaxIdleTimeMS="86400000" httpAcceptorThreads="1" 
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-Xmx2048m"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-Xms128m"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-XX:PermSize=48m"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-Djava.awt.headless=true"/>   
  <StringValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" value="-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=12g"/>   
   <KeyValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" key="MATRIXHOME" value="<STUDIO_HOME>" />   
   <KeyValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" key="GALAXYHOME" 
value="<STUDIO_HOME> \win_b64\code\bin" />   
   <KeyValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" key="DSLS_CONFIG" 
value="C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses\DSLicSrv.txt" />  
     <KeyValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" key="TNS_ADMIN" 
value="Path to TNS_ADMIN Directory" />      
   <KeyValue xmlns="exa:exa.bee" key="PATH" 
value="<STUDIO_HOME>\win_b64\code\bin;<STUDIO_HOME>\win_b64\code\lib" />   

Deploy the ENOVIA connectivity java libs

You must deploy some required ENOVIA libs to your OnePart installation. We recommend using the automated procedure, see: Configuring the ENOVIA Local Context with the Administration Console

Where STUDIO_HOME is the installation home directory of the StudioModelingPlatformRichClient

  1. Open a Windows Explorer and go to the STUDIO_HOME directory.
  2. Copy the following jar files from <STUDIO_HOME>\win_b64\docs\javaserver\:
    • consolidation_server_provider.jar
    • consolidation_server_rule_processor.jar

    • eMatrixServletRMI.jar
    • enoviaKernel.jar
    • FcsClient.jar
    • FcsClientLargeFile.jar
    • FcsBackEnd.jar
    • FcsServer.jar
    • m1jsystem.jar
    • mx_jdom_1.0.jar
    • search_common.jar
  3. Paste them into your <ONEPART_INSTALLDIR>\datadir\javabin.
  4. Restart your OnePart instance (from the Windows Services list)

Configure Security

A key thing to remember with OnePart is that you must ALWAYS have a Multi-security source named app_login. This name maintains the link for the security enabled on both Exalead CloudView and the OnePart UI’s.


OnePart users need to be authenticated.


In consequence, OnePart needs to be plugged to a user directory such as LDAP, Active Directory, or a PDM/PLM source acting as a user directory (which is possible with ENOVIA).


Administrators need to choose the security policy in OnePart to enable differentiated access to information for different users :


  • Baseline authorizations : all authenticated users have access the same content;
  • Authorization based on rules defined in OnePart through the « Applicative Security » :
    • what different authenticated users/groups see is filtered based on content attributes
    • it is also possible to hide attributes / features for certain users
    • can be deployed with any authentication mechanism
To use this mode, see the OnePart Connectors Guide: App Security
  • Authorizations based on content visibility attributes defined in ENOVIA, fetched by the connector along with the content. Requires the ENOVIA security source. The supported scope is the following:
    • Only Policy statement security model is supported
    • Only documents for which access resolution is "all", "show" or "read" are shown in OnePart.
    • To maintain search performance, there is no standard support to replicate the behavior of ENOVIA filters in OnePart (either MQL, programs, etc.).
      • Existing filters are ignored by default, meaning that content that may have be filtered out in ENOVIA would show in OnePart
      • With customization, content potentially matching a filter can be systematically hidden in OnePart.
    • OnePart merges the data of a CATIA reference and its representation, in a single object. Authorizations on this OnePart object is based on the ENOVIA Reference object authorizations, regardless of the authorizations set on the Rep object.

To add the ENOVIA security source

  1. In the Administration Console, go to the Security Sources page.
  2. Click on Add security source and create the new security source as follows:
    1. in Name: Enter a name for the security source
    2. in Type: Select the security source you require. It generally has the same name as the connector.
  3. Click on Accept.
  4. You are now ready to configure the new security source.

To configure the security source

You need to configure the security source to view your ENOVIA V6 items in OnePart.


In the Security source's configuration page, you need to fill the following fields with your ENOVIA V6 server information:

  1. ENOVIA username: This is the Business Administrator user to retrieve users accesses defined when configuring the connector.
  2. ENOVIA password: ENOVIA V6 user password defined when configuring the connector.
  3. Web app URL: leave blank.
  4. Security tokens hook processor: leave blank.
  5. Click Apply at the top of the Administration Console screen.
  6. Next step is to add your security source to the app_login multi-security source configuration. See Configure the multi-security source.