Remote Filesystems Deployment

Use this procedure when you need, for example, to scan remote filesystems. This requires that you deploy a connector server role on a secondary server close to the files.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: This is only recommended for advanced users. If your files reside on the same local area network (LAN) as OnePart then you can simply use a network file access configuration. See Network file access in the OnePart Connectors Guide.

Deployment workflow

  1. Install OnePart normally as the main server installation. See Install using install.bat.
  2. In the Administration Console, add a secondary server. See Remote Filesystems Deployment.
  3. Click Apply
  4. Install OnePart as a secondary installation on the secondary server.
    1. Verify that the OnePart has started successfully on the secondary server. See Install secondary servers.
  5. In the Administration Console, configure this secondary server as a Connector server.
    1. To add a connector server role, see Remote Filesystems Deployment.
  6. Click Apply
  7. On the Home page, click Restart host for the main server first and then the secondary server.

Add a new secondary server

To define your deployment, add secondary servers and configure them with specific roles that determine their function within the deployment.

Before you begin: You must first install OnePart on the secondary server before configuring the roles.
  1. In the Administration Console, select Deployment > Roles.
  2. On the Roles page, click Add host.
    1. Enter the Host Name of the secondary server, for example,
    2. Enter the Install Name of the secondary install, for example, onepart-secondaryserver
    3. If needed, modify the Base port, Host agent, and Last port with the new secondary server's port range.
  3. Click Accept.
  4. Click Apply.

Ready for next step, Deploy a Connector Server.

Deploy a Connector Server

To deploy a connector server on a secondary server.

Before you begin: Administrator rights
  1. In the Administration Console, go to Deployment > Roles.
  2. Click Add Roles for the host you want.

    Note: In our example, you would do so in the secondary server.

  3. In the list of roles, select the Connector Server and click Accept.
  4. In the new Connector Server box, complete the fields:
    1. For Type, select java.
    2. For Instance, enter a unique name. For example, secondary.
    3. For 32-bit, leave as is.
  5. Click Apply.

The Connector Server is now deployed.