is used to study a local part of a model with a refined mesh based on
interpolation of the solution from an initial (undeformed), relatively coarse,
global model;
is most useful when it is necessary to obtain an accurate, detailed
solution in a local region and the detailed modeling of that local region has
negligible effect on the overall solution;
can be used to analyze an acoustic model driven by displacements from
a structural, global model when the acoustic fluid has negligible effect on the
structural solution;
can be used for the analysis of a structure driven by acoustic
pressures from an acoustic or coupled acoustic-structural, global model;
can use a combination of
can use a combination of linear and nonlinear procedures; and
cannot be used to drive a time-domain analysis with the results from
a frequency-domain analysis (or vice versa).
The model whose solution is interpolated onto the relevant parts of the
boundary of the submodel is referred to as the “global” model (even though it
may itself be a submodel of a larger “global” model). Driven variables are
defined as those variables in the submodel that are constrained to match
results from the global model. Driven variables can be degrees of freedom at
nodes in the node-based technique, or they can be components of stress tensor
at the integration points of element faces in the surface-based technique.
Submodeling Techniques
Submodeling can be applied quite generally in
The material response defined for the submodel may be different from that
defined for the global model. Both the global model and the submodel can have
nonlinear response. See
Shell-to-solid submodeling and shell-to-solid coupling of a pipe joint
for an example application of the submodeling technique.
Vehicle-occupant/pedestrian interaction simulations are an example where the
submodeling technique can be used efficiently. Crash safety simulation
generally includes interaction between a vehicle and its occupant or a vehicle
and a pedestrian. In some cases the influence of the human on the structural
response of the vehicle is so small as to be negligible. In these cases, the
global analysis of the vehicle is performed without the human or with a simple
representation of the human, and the part of the vehicle surrounding the human
is then used via the submodeling technique to study the detailed interaction
with a number of human models.
Submodeling is classified first according to which of two basic techniques
is used. The most common, and more general technique, is node-based
submodeling, which uses a nodal results field (including displacement,
temperature, or pressure degrees of freedom) to interpolate global model
results onto the submodel nodes. The alternative surface-based technique uses
the stress field to interpolate global model results onto the submodel
integration points on the driven element-based surface facets.
You can choose either the node-based or surface-based technique or a
combination of the two in your submodel. The following factors should be
considered in deciding on the technique to be used:
Whether you are performing solid-to-solid submodeling in a general
static analysis in
Surface-based submodeling is available only for solid models and
static analyses.
For all other procedures use the node-based technique.
Whether the global model and submodel differ significantly in their
average stiffness in the region of the submodel:
When the stiffness of the models is comparable, node-based
submodeling of displacements will provide comparable results to the
surface-based technique with a lesser likelihood of numerical issues associated
with rigid-body modes.
When the stiffness of the models differs and the global model is
exposed primarily to a load-controlled environment, the surface-based technique
will generally provide more accurate stress results. Stiffness differences may
arise due to additional detail in the submodel, such as explicit modeling of a
fillet or a hole. In other cases stiffness changes may result from minor
geometry changes for which a reanalysis of the global model is not warranted.
Whether your model is subjected to large deformations or rotations:
Node-based submodeling of displacements will result in more accurate
transmission of large deformation and rotation to the submodel.
Whether the displacement response of the global model corresponds to the
displacement response of the submodel:
When the displacements in the global model correspond closely with
the expected displacements in the submodel, node-based submodeling is generally
Surface-based submodeling should be used when the submodel
displacement response is expected to differ from the global model response.
This situation can occur when thermal strains are modeled and the temperature
history of the submodel differs from that of the global model; for example,
when heat transfer submodeling is performed as part of a sequential
thermal-structural analysis.
The stiffness of the structure:
Surface-based submodeling may provide more accurate results for very
stiff structures. When the structure is so stiff that only a small component of
the global model displacement field contributes to the stress response,
numerical roundoff in the displacement results can become significant; for
example, when the global model displacement is dominated by a rigid-body motion
The type of output you are interested in from the submodel:
Node-based submodeling of displacements will result in more accurate
transmission of a displacement field.
Surface-based submodeling will result in more accurate transmission
of a stress field, and determination of reaction forces in the submodel.
You can use both node-based submodeling and stress-based submodeling in the
same model.
Node-Based Submodeling
Two techniques are available for node-based submodeling: one technique uses the submodel
interface and the other technique uses field import.
Node-Based Submodeling Using the Submodel Interface
Node-based submodeling using the submodel interface is a more general technique than
surface-based submodeling. It supports a variety of element type combinations and
procedures in both Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard.
You can use different element types in the submodel than those used to model the
corresponding region in the global model.
The following types of submodeling are provided for the node-based approach
Two-dimensional models:
Three-dimensional models:
A global or submodel region that is meshed with continuum shell elements constitutes a
three-dimensional solid region in the submodeling technique. Hence, the use of the
submodeling technique for models involving continuum shell elements is the same as with
models involving continuum solid elements such as
C3D8R or
Procedures Supported
Both the global model and the submodel can have nonlinear response and can be analyzed
for any sequence of analysis procedures. These procedures do not have to be the same for
both models. For example, the linear or nonlinear dynamic response of the global model
can be used to drive the static, nonlinear response of the submodel on the grounds that
the submodel is too small for dynamic effects to be significant in that local region.
The global procedure can be performed in Abaqus/Standard to drive a submodeling procedure in Abaqus/Explicit and vice versa. For example, a static analysis performed in Abaqus/Standard can drive a quasi-static Abaqus/Explicit analysis in the submodel. The step time used in these analyses can be different; the
time variable of the amplitude functions generated at the driven nodes can be scaled to
the step time used in the submodel.
Your submodel cannot refer to a global model step that includes multiple load cases
(see Multiple Load Case Analysis). You must perform the global analysis
with a single load definition for the step that will drive the submodel.
Node-Based Submodeling Using the Field Import Interface
Node-based submodeling using field import is an alternative approach for submodeling.
Instead of using the submodel interface as described above, the field import interface is
used to provide the necessary information. For each part of information that you provide
using the submodel interface, an alternate way to provide the same part of information
exists in the field import interface. For example, the global model name is provided as a
parameter, the global element set is the source element set, and separate boundary
conditions are not required. Node-based submodeling using field import allows for a large
variety in the choice of driven variables in both Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard. This approach reduces the preprocessor memory requirements, which is beneficial in
very large models.
You can use different element types than those used in the submodel to model the
corresponding region in the global model.
The following types of submodeling for three-dimensional models are provided for the
node-based approach (global-to-submodel):
Procedures Supported
Only time-based analysis procedures are supported using this method (see General Capability for Importing External Fields). Submodeling using this method cannot
be performed in a perturbation step.
Surface-Based Submodeling
Surface-based submodeling is provided as a complement to the node-based
technique, enabling you to drive the submodel with stresses from the global
The following types of submodeling are provided for the surface-based
approach (global-to-submodel):
Two-dimensional models:
Three-dimensional models:
You can use different element types in the submodel than those used to model the corresponding
region in the global model. Continuum elements supported for the static analysis procedure
are supported for surface-based submodeling, with the following exceptions:
Cylindrical elements are not supported.
Continuum shell elements are not supported.
Continuum solid elements with composite sections are not supported.
Procedures Supported
The surface-based technique is implemented only for static analysis in
Your submodel cannot refer to a global model step that includes multiple
load cases (see
Multiple Load Case Analysis).
You must perform the global analysis with a single load definition for the step
that will drive the submodel.
Performing a Submodeling Analysis
A submodeling analysis consists of:
running a global analysis and saving the results in the vicinity of the
submodel boundary;
defining the total set of driven nodes or driven surfaces in the
defining the time variation of the driven variables in the submodel
analysis by specifying the actual nodes and degrees of freedom or element-based
surfaces to be driven in each step; and
running the submodel analysis using the “driven variables” to drive the
Linking the Global Model and the Submodel
The submodel is run as a separate analysis from the global analysis. The only link between the
submodel and the global model is the transfer of the time-dependent values of variables
saved in the global analysis to the relevant boundary nodes of the submodel or to the
relevant boundary surfaces. The location where the results from the global model are saved
depends on the technique used:
Node-based using the submodel interface: results (.fil) file,
output database (.odb) file, or
SIM database (.sim) file
Node-based using the field import interface: SIM
database (.sim) file
The transfer is achieved by then reading these results into the submodel analysis. If the
global model is defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, the part
(.prt) file from the global model is required for the submodel
Since the submodel is a separate analysis, submodeling can be used to any number of
levels; a submodel can be used as the global model for a subsequent submodel.
The global model in a submodeling analysis must define the submodel boundary
response with sufficient accuracy. It is your responsibility to ensure that any
particular use of the submodeling technique provides physically meaningful
results. In general, the solution at the boundary of the submodel must not be
altered significantly by the different local modeling. There is no built-in
check of this criterion in
it is a matter of judgment on your part. In general, accuracy can be checked by
comparing contour plots of important variables near the boundaries of the
submodeled region.
Specifying the Global Elements Used to Drive the Submodel
By default, the global model in the vicinity of the submodel is searched for elements that
encompass the locations of driven nodes or driven surfaces' faces; the submodel is then
driven by the response of these elements. In some cases more than one element can encompass
the location of a driven node. For example, adjacent bodies in the global model may have
temporarily coincident nodes or surfaces, as depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. A global model with coincident surfaces in the area of the local model's driven
In this case the location of the driven node in the corresponding global model is touching
both element A and element C; however, only the results from element A should drive the node
in the submodel.
To preclude certain elements from driving the submodel, you have the option of specifying a
global element set to limit the search to an appropriate subset of the global model.
Using the Submodel Interface
You provide the global element set to drive the submodel when using the submodel
If the global model is defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, give the
complete name—including the assembly and part instance names—when specifying the global
element set. For example, an element set named top in
part instance I-1 of assembly
Assembly-1 must be referred to by
If the submodel is not defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, the dots
in the global element set name must be replaced by underscores:
If the global element set is defined at the assembly level, you may provide the
element set name without qualifying it with the assembly name in a submodel
Using the Field Import Interface
You provide the global element set as the source element set for the external field when
using field import to drive the submodel analysis (available only for node-based
The size of the results file or the output database can be minimized for a
submodeling analysis by requesting output for only those global nodes and
global elements that are used to drive the submodel. To determine which global
nodes and/or elements are used to drive the submodel, do the following:
Run a data check analysis on the global model with any combination of
results file or output database file output requests. A data check analysis is
performed by using the datacheck parameter in the
command for running
(Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit Execution).
Run a data check analysis on the submodel.
A listing of the global nodes and/or elements that will be used to drive the
submodel is output to the data file during the submodeling data check analysis.
Frequency of Output
Pay special attention to the frequency at which you request output in the global model (see Output to the Data and Results Files and Output to the Output Database). It is possible to define the results file output or
nodal and element output to the output database file such that the information is written at
different frequencies for different nodes and elements, although that should not be done for
nodes and elements involved in the interpolation to define values at driven variables since
Abaqus will take values at the coarsest frequency only. To avoid this problem, write the nodal
and elemental output to the output database or the results file using the same frequency for
all nodes and elements involved in the interpolation and choose a frequency that will allow
the history in the submodel to be reproduced accurately.
Input File Usage
To control the
output frequency to the
results file, use the following option:
Any of the material models described in
Abaqus Materials Guide
can be used in the global and submodel analyses. The material response defined
for the submodel may be different from that defined for the global model.
The dimensionality of the submodel must be the same as that of the global
model: both models must be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The
following limitations apply:
The boundary nodes of the submodel must lie within regions of the global
model where
is able to perform spatial interpolation to define the values of the driven
variables. Therefore, they must lie within (or, as allowed by the exterior
tolerance, near to) two- or three-dimensional geometrically defined elements in
the global model. Such geometrically defined elements are:
first- or second-order triangles or quadrilaterals in two
first- or second-order triangular or quadrilateral shells; and
first- or second-order tetrahedra, wedges, or bricks in three
The boundary nodes cannot lie in regions of the global model where there
are only one-dimensional elements (beams, trusses, links, axisymmetric shells)
does not provide the necessary interpolation of results for such elements.
The boundary nodes cannot lie in regions of the global model where there
are only user elements, substructures, springs, dashpots, cohesive elements,
etc. since those element types do not allow for geometric interpolation.
The boundary nodes cannot lie in regions of the global model where there
are only axisymmetric solid elements with nonlinear, asymmetric deformation (CAXA elements). The submodeling capability is currently not supported
for these elements.
The reference node associated with generalized plane strain elements (CPEG) cannot be used as a driven boundary node in a submodeling
As described above, nodal output requests to the results file or output
database file must be used in the global analysis to save the values of the
driven variables at the submodel boundary.