About Submodeling

The submodeling technique:

  • is used to study a local part of a model with a refined mesh based on interpolation of the solution from an initial (undeformed), relatively coarse, global model;

  • is most useful when it is necessary to obtain an accurate, detailed solution in a local region and the detailed modeling of that local region has negligible effect on the overall solution;

  • can be used to drive a local part of the model by nodal results, such as displacements (see Node-Based Submodeling Using the Submodel Interface later in this section), or by the element stress results (see Surface-Based Submodeling later in this section) from the global mesh;

  • can be used to analyze an acoustic model driven by displacements from a structural, global model when the acoustic fluid has negligible effect on the structural solution;

  • can be used for the analysis of a structure driven by acoustic pressures from an acoustic or coupled acoustic-structural, global model;

  • can use a combination of Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard procedures;

  • can use a combination of linear and nonlinear procedures; and

  • cannot be used to drive a time-domain analysis with the results from a frequency-domain analysis (or vice versa).

This page discusses:

See Also
Node-Based Submodeling
Surface-Based Submodeling
In Other Guides
Output to the Output Database
