Mixed-mode failure of a notched unreinforced concrete beam

This example illustrates the use of the cracking constitutive model for the analysis of an unreinforced notched concrete beam subject to loading that causes mixed-mode cracking.

This problem was chosen because it has been studied extensively both experimentally by Arrea and Ingraffea (1982) and analytically by Rots et al. (1984, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992), de Borst (1986, 1987), and Meyer et al. (1994), among others. The behavior in this problem is a combination of Mode I and Mode II cracking. It, therefore, provides verification of the model for general mixed-mode loading. We also have the advantage that this beam experiment has been repeated by a number of different researchers, and there is good material information about important parameters such as the Mode I fracture energy, GfI. We investigate the sensitivity of the numerical results to the finite element discretization as well as the choice of cracking material properties.

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See Also
In Other Guides
Cracking Model for Concrete
