provides a capability for modeling concrete in all types of
structures: beams, trusses, shells and solids;
can also be useful for modeling other materials such as ceramics or
brittle rocks;
is designed for applications in which the behavior is dominated by
tensile cracking;
assumes that the compressive behavior is always linear elastic;
must be used with the linear elastic material model (Linear Elastic Behavior),
which also defines the material behavior completely prior to cracking;
is most accurate in applications where the brittle behavior dominates
such that the assumption that the material is linear elastic in compression is
can be used for plain concrete, even though it is intended primarily
for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures;
allows removal of elements based on a brittle failure criterion; and
Reinforcement in concrete structures is typically provided by means of
rebars. Rebars are one-dimensional strain theory elements (rods) that can be
defined singly or embedded in oriented surfaces. Rebars are discussed in
Defining Rebar as an Element Property.
They are typically used with elastic-plastic material behavior and are
superposed on a mesh of standard element types used to model the plain
concrete. With this modeling approach, the concrete cracking behavior is
considered independently of the rebar. Effects associated with the
rebar/concrete interface, such as bond slip and dowel action, are modeled
approximately by introducing some “tension stiffening” into the concrete
cracking model to simulate load transfer across cracks through the rebar.
uses a smeared crack model to represent the discontinuous brittle behavior in
concrete. It does not track individual “macro” cracks: instead, constitutive
calculations are performed independently at each material point of the finite
element model. The presence of cracks enters into these calculations by the way
in which the cracks affect the stress and material stiffness associated with
the material point.
For simplicity of discussion in this section, the term “crack” is used to
mean a direction in which cracking has been detected at the single material
calculation point in question: the closest physical concept is that there
exists a continuum of micro-cracks in the neighborhood of the point, oriented
as determined by the model. The anisotropy introduced by cracking is assumed to
be important in the simulations for which the model is intended.
Crack Directions
cracking model assumes fixed, orthogonal cracks, with the maximum number of
cracks at a material point limited by the number of direct stress components
present at that material point of the finite element model (a maximum of three
cracks in three-dimensional, plane strain, and axisymmetric problems; two
cracks in plane stress and shell problems; and one crack in beam or truss
problems). Internally, once cracks exist at a point, the component forms of all
vector- and tensor-valued quantities are rotated so that they lie in the local
system defined by the crack orientation vectors (the normals to the crack
faces). The model ensures that these crack face normal vectors will be
orthogonal, so that this local crack system is rectangular Cartesian. For
output purposes you are offered results of stresses and strains in the global
and/or local crack systems.
Crack Detection
A simple Rankine criterion is used to detect crack initiation. This
criterion states that a crack forms when the maximum principal tensile stress
exceeds the tensile strength of the brittle material. Although crack detection
is based purely on Mode I fracture considerations, ensuing cracked behavior
includes both Mode I (tension softening/stiffening) and Mode
II (shear softening/retention) behavior, as
described later.
As soon as the Rankine criterion for crack formation has been met, we assume
that a first crack has formed. The crack surface is taken to be normal to the
direction of the maximum tensile principal stress. Subsequent cracks may form
with crack surface normals in the direction of maximum principal tensile stress
that is orthogonal to the directions of any existing crack surface normals at
the same point.
Cracking is irrecoverable in the sense that, once a crack has occurred at a
point, it remains throughout the rest of the calculation. However, crack
closing and reopening may take place along the directions of the crack surface
normals. The model neglects any permanent strain associated with cracking; that
is, it is assumed that the cracks can close completely when the stress across
them becomes compressive.
Tension Stiffening
You can specify the postfailure behavior for direct straining across cracks
by means of a postfailure stress-strain relation or by applying a fracture
energy cracking criterion.
Postfailure Stress-Strain Relation
In reinforced concrete the specification of postfailure behavior generally
means giving the postfailure stress as a function of strain across the crack
(Figure 1).
In cases with little or no reinforcement, this introduces mesh sensitivity in
the results, in the sense that the finite element predictions do not converge
to a unique solution as the mesh is refined because mesh refinement leads to
narrower crack bands.
Figure 1. Postfailure stress-strain curve.
In practical calculations for reinforced concrete, the mesh is usually such
that each element contains rebars. In this case the interaction between the
rebars and the concrete tends to mitigate this effect, provided that a
reasonable amount of “tension stiffening” is introduced in the cracking model
to simulate this interaction. This requires an estimate of the tension
stiffening effect, which depends on factors such as the density of
reinforcement, the quality of the bond between the rebar and the concrete, the
relative size of the concrete aggregate compared to the rebar diameter, and the
mesh. A reasonable starting point for relatively heavily reinforced concrete
modeled with a fairly detailed mesh is to assume that the strain softening
after failure reduces the stress linearly to zero at a total strain about ten
times the strain at failure. Since the strain at failure in standard concretes
is typically 10−4, this suggests that tension stiffening that
reduces the stress to zero at a total strain of about 10−3 is
reasonable. This parameter should be calibrated to each particular case. In
static applications too little tension stiffening will cause the local cracking
failure in the concrete to introduce temporarily unstable behavior in the
overall response of the model. Few practical designs exhibit such behavior, so
that the presence of this type of response in the analysis model usually
indicates that the tension stiffening is unreasonably low.
When there is no reinforcement in significant regions of the model, the
tension stiffening approach described above will introduce unreasonable mesh
sensitivity into the results. However, it is generally accepted that
Hillerborg's (1976) fracture energy proposal is adequate to allay the concern
for many practical purposes. Hillerborg defines the energy required to open a
unit area of crack in Mode I ()
as a material parameter, using brittle fracture concepts. With this approach
the concrete's brittle behavior is characterized by a
stress-displacement response rather than a
stress-strain response. Under tension a concrete
specimen will crack across some section; and its length, after it has been
pulled apart sufficiently for most of the stress to be removed (so that the
elastic strain is small), will be determined primarily by the opening at the
crack, which does not depend on the specimen's length.
this fracture energy cracking model can be invoked by specifying the
postfailure stress as a tabular function of displacement across the crack, as
illustrated in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Postfailure stress-displacement curve.
Alternatively, the Mode I fracture energy, ,
can be specified directly as a material property; in this case, define the
failure stress, ,
as a tabular function of the associated Mode I fracture energy. This model
assumes a linear loss of strength after cracking (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Postfailure stress-fracture energy curve.
The crack normal displacement at which complete loss of strength takes
place is, therefore, .
Typical values of
range from 40 N/m (0.22 lb/in) for a typical construction concrete (with a
compressive strength of approximately 20 MPa, 2850 lb/in2) to 120
N/m (0.67 lb/in) for a high-strength concrete (with a compressive strength of
approximately 40 MPa, 5700 lb/in2).
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the postfailure stress
as a tabular function of displacement:
The implementation of the stress-displacement concept in a finite element
model requires the definition of a characteristic length associated with a
material point. The characteristic crack length is based on the element
geometry and formulation: it is a typical length of a line across an element
for a first-order element; it is half of the same typical length for a
second-order element. For beams and trusses it is a characteristic length along
the element axis. For membranes and shells it is a characteristic length in the
reference surface. For axisymmetric elements it is a characteristic length in
the r–z plane only. For cohesive
elements it is equal to the constitutive thickness. We use this definition of
the characteristic crack length because the direction in which cracks will
occur is not known in advance. Therefore, elements with large aspect ratios
will have rather different behavior depending on the direction in which they
crack: some mesh sensitivity remains because of this effect. Elements that are
as close to square as possible are, therefore, recommended unless you can
predict the direction in which cracks will form. Alternatively, this mesh
dependency could be reduced by directly specifying the characteristic length as
a function of the element topology and material orientation in user subroutine
Defining the Characteristic Element Length at a Material Point in Abaqus/Explicit).
Shear Retention Model
An important feature of the cracking model is that, whereas crack initiation
is based on Mode I fracture only, postcracked behavior includes Mode
II as well as Mode I. The Mode
II shear behavior is based on the common
observation that the shear behavior depends on the amount of crack opening.
More specifically, the cracked shear modulus is reduced as the crack opens.
offers a shear retention model in which the postcracked shear stiffness is
defined as a function of the opening strain across the crack; the shear
retention model must be defined in the cracking model, and zero shear retention
should not be used.
In these models the dependence is defined by expressing the postcracking
shear modulus, ,
as a fraction of the uncracked shear modulus:
where G is the shear modulus of the uncracked material
and the shear retention factor, ,
depends on the crack opening strain, .
You can specify this dependence in piecewise linear form, as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Piecewise linear form of the shear retention model.
Alternatively, shear retention can be defined in the power law form:
where p and
are material parameters. This form, shown in
Figure 5,
satisfies the requirements that
(corresponding to the state before crack initiation) and
(corresponding to complete loss of aggregate interlock). See
A cracking model for concrete and other brittle materials
for a discussion of how shear retention is calculated in the case of two or
more cracks.
Figure 5. Power law form of the shear retention model.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the piecewise linear
form of the shear retention model:
One experiment, a uniaxial tension test, is required to calibrate the
simplest version of the brittle cracking model. Other experiments may be
required to gain accuracy in postfailure behavior.
Uniaxial Tension Test
This test is difficult to perform because it is necessary to have a very
stiff testing machine to record the postcracking response. Quite often such
equipment is not available; in this situation you must make an assumption about
the tensile failure strength of the material and the postcracking response. For
concrete the assumption usually made is that the tensile strength is 7–10% of
the compressive strength. Uniaxial compression tests can be performed much more
easily, so the compressive strength of concrete is usually known.
Postcracking Tensile Behavior
The values given for tension stiffening are a very important aspect of
simulations using the
brittle cracking model. The postcracking tensile response is highly dependent
on the reinforcement present in the concrete. In simulations of unreinforced
concrete, the tension stiffening models that are based on fracture energy
concepts should be utilized. If reliable experimental data are not available,
typical values that can be used were discussed before: common values of
range from 40 N/m (0.22 lb/in) for a typical construction concrete (with a
compressive strength of approximately 20 MPa, 2850 lb/in2) to 120
N/m (0.67 lb/in) for a high-strength concrete (with a compressive strength of
approximately 40 MPa, 5700 lb/in2). In simulations of reinforced
concrete the stress-strain tension stiffening model should be used; the amount
of tension stiffening depends on the reinforcement present, as discussed
before. A reasonable starting point for relatively heavily reinforced concrete
modeled with a fairly detailed mesh is to assume that the strain softening
after failure reduces the stress linearly to zero at a total strain about ten
times the strain at failure. Since the strain at failure in standard concretes
is typically 10−4, this suggests that tension stiffening that
reduces the stress to zero at a total strain of about 10−3 is
reasonable. This parameter should be calibrated to each particular case.
Postcracking Shear Behavior
Calibration of the postcracking shear behavior requires combined tension and
shear experiments, which are difficult to perform. If such test data are not
available, a reasonable starting point is to assume that the shear retention
factor, ,
goes linearly to zero at the same crack opening strain used for the tension
stiffening model.
Brittle Failure Criterion
You can define brittle failure of the material. When one, two, or all three
local direct cracking strain (displacement) components at a material point
reach the value defined as the failure strain (displacement), the material
point fails and all the stress components are set to zero. An element is
removed from a mesh upon material failure. Details for element deletion driven
by material failure are described in
Material Failure and Element Deletion.
The status of a material point and an element can be determined by requesting
output variables STATUSMP and STATUS, respectively.
If the postfailure relation is defined in terms of stress versus strain, the
failure strain must be given as the failure criterion. If the postfailure
relation is defined in terms of stress versus displacement or stress versus
fracture energy, the failure displacement must be given as the failure
criterion. The failure strain (displacement) can be specified as a function of
temperature and/or predefined field variables.
You can control how many cracks at a material point must fail before the
material point is considered to have failed; the default is one crack. The
number of cracks that must fail can only be one for beam and truss elements; it
cannot be greater than two for plane stress and shell elements; and it cannot
be greater than three otherwise.
Determining When to Use the Brittle Failure Criterion
The brittle failure criterion is a crude way of modeling failure in
and should be used with care. The main motivation for including this capability
is to help in computations where not removing an element that can no longer
carry stress may lead to excessive distortion of that element and subsequent
premature termination of the simulation. For example, in a monotonically loaded
structure whose failure mechanism is expected to be dominated by a single
tensile macrofracture (Mode I cracking), it may be reasonable to use the
brittle failure criterion to remove elements. On the other hand, the fact that
the brittle material loses its ability to carry tensile stress does not
preclude it from withstanding compressive stress; therefore, it may not be
appropriate to remove elements if the material is expected to carry compressive
loads after it has failed in tension. An example may be a shear wall subjected
to cyclic loading as a result of some earthquake excitation; in this case
cracks that develop completely under tensile stress will be able to carry
compressive stress when load reversal takes place.
Thus, the effective use of the brittle failure criterion relies on you
having some knowledge of the structural behavior and potential failure
mechanism. The use of the brittle failure criterion based on an incorrect user
assumption of the failure mechanism will generally result in an incorrect
Selecting the Number of Cracks That Must Fail before the Material Point Is Considered to Have Failed
When you define brittle failure, you can control how many cracks must open
to beyond the failure value before a material point is considered to have
failed. The default number of cracks (one) should be used for most structural
applications where failure is dominated by Mode I type cracking. However, there
are cases in which you should specify a higher number because multiple cracks
need to form to develop the eventual failure mechanism. One example may be an
unreinforced, deep concrete beam where the failure mechanism is dominated by
shear; in this case it is possible that two cracks need to form at each
material point for the shear failure mechanism to develop.
Again, the appropriate choice of the number of cracks that must fail relies
on your knowledge of the structural and failure behaviors.
Using Brittle Failure with Rebar
It is possible to use the brittle failure criterion in brittle cracking
elements for which rebar are also defined; the obvious application is the
modeling of reinforced concrete. When such elements fail according to the
brittle failure criterion, the brittle cracking contribution to the element
stress carrying capacity is removed but the rebar contribution to the element
stress carrying capacity is not removed. However, if you also include shear
failure in the rebar material definition, the rebar contribution to the element
stress carrying capacity will also be removed if the shear failure criterion
specified for the rebar is satisfied. This allows the modeling of progressive
failure of an under-reinforced concrete structure where the concrete fails
first followed by ductile failure of the reinforcement.
offers a variety of elements for use with the cracking model: truss; shell;
two-dimensional beam; and plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric, and
three-dimensional continuum elements. The model cannot be used with pipe and
three-dimensional beam elements. Plane triangular, triangular prism, and
tetrahedral elements are not recommended for use in reinforced concrete
analysis since these elements do not support the use of rebar.
In addition to the standard output identifiers available in
Abaqus/Explicit Output Variable Identifiers),
the following output variables relate directly to material points that use the
brittle cracking model:
All cracking strain components.
All cracking strain components in local crack axes.
Cracking strain magnitude.
All stress components in local crack axes.
Crack orientations.
Crack status of each crack.
Status of element (brittle failure model). The status of an element is 1.0
if the element is active and 0.0 if the element is not.
Status of each material point in the element (brittle failure model). The
status of a material point is 1.0 if the material point is active and 0.0 if it
is not.
Hillerborg, A., M. Modeer, and P. E. Petersson, “Analysis
of Crack Formation and Crack Growth in Concrete by Means of Fracture Mechanics
and Finite Elements,” Cement and Concrete
Research, vol. 6, pp. 773–782, 1976.